Matadors Forward
February 10, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Monday, February 14, is just around the corner, and we are VERY EXCITED to welcome our students, and many of you, back on campus. It’s been a long journey back – one filled with ups, downs, twists and turns. But, the day is almost here and soon we will see our campus come alive again.

CSUN returns to on-campus learning on Monday, February 14, 2022.
Stepping foot for the first time on campus can be tough for a student to navigate, and staff and faculty can help ease the way. As you may recall, CSUN Navigators are staff and faculty who welcome our students at the beginning of the semester, answering questions and helping them find their way to classes and other locations. The CSUN Navigators program is returning and partnering with the Matadors Forward Ambassadors to help provide guidance to our campus community.
Volunteer opportunities will be available from Feb. 14 to 25. Campus supervisors are asked to adjust schedules, whenever possible, to accommodate the time needed for training and for volunteer hours. The 1 hour 15 minute shifts will fall between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and between 7:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. on Friday.
Please volunteer for a shift by emailing
This is a great opportunity to meet students and a good time to connect with colleagues! We know our students will appreciate your efforts.
CSUN welcomes you back to campus! Important reminders.
Here are some important health and safety reminders as you get ready to return to campus.
- Have you submitted your vaccination and booster certification?
- If you’ve not done so yet, a reminder that employees may provide vaccination and booster self-certification or request an exemption through the myNorthridge Portal. Once logged into the portal, under the Policies and Procedures pagelet of the Faculty or Staff tab, select the EE Vaccine Self-Certification link and complete the form accordingly.
- All non-represented employees are expected to submit booster certification as soon as eligible per CDC.
- All faculty (unit 3) employees are expected to submit booster certification by February 28, 2022 or as soon as eligible per CDC, whichever is later.
- All other represented employees are encouraged to obtain their booster as soon as eligible. We will update you of specific timeline requirements after the meet and confer processes are completed. You can schedule a booster appointment by visiting
- This process is only for state-side CSUN employees. Auxiliary employees should check with their respective HR departments for details.
- Need to schedule an on-campus COVID-19 test? (Applies if you have a vaccination exemption)
- Non-represented employees, including student employees who do not self-certify that they have been fully vaccinated with booster (if eligible) or who have been provided a medical or religious exemption are required to participate in free weekly COVID-19 testing.
- Represented employees who do not self-certify that they have been fully vaccinated or who have been provided a medical or religious exemption are required to participate in free weekly COVID-19 testing
- On campus testing – on campus testing is available Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at kiosks located near the Extended University Commons and the University Student Union (USU) Freudian Sip. Please see map for details. Test results are normally provided 24 - 48 hours after test date.
- Employees who have certified their vaccination status may voluntarily choose to participate in testing, noting that testing on campus will not be an option for someone who is experiencing symptoms.
- Please visit COVID-19 Employee Testing | California State University, Northridge ( for more information.
- Do you have your mask ready?
- Due to the new Omicron variant, which spreads more easily and rapidly than past variants, and per Los Angeles County Public Health Order, CSUN is requiring all faculty and staff to wear medical-grade masks (e.g., surgical masks or procedure masks) in lieu of single-layer cloth masks that no longer provide optimal protection against COVID-19. If you need a medical-grade mask, please contact your Department COVID Coordinator. CSUN’s Environmental Health and Safety Department has tested and reviewed all disposable masks and confirmed all masks provided by CSUN meet the medical-grade requirements.

- Don’t forget the Daily Health Screening!
- All CSUN students, employees or visitors coming on to campus, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, must complete a daily health screening survey. Come to campus only if cleared to do so. If you are not cleared, do not come to campus; the survey page will provide you with next steps.
As always, please regularly visit the MATADORS FORWARD website for the latest guidance and information. If you have any questions regarding vaccinations, boosters or testing, please feel free to reach out to Human Resources, Employee Relations at or 818-677-6566.
See you next week!