

Thinking of going solar? Give yourself and the Institute a break by going solar through our partnership referral program with Pick My Solar. Pick My Solar was founded in 2013 by CSUN and Institute alum, Max Aram and his colleague, Chris Blevins, and provides an online education and bidding platform that homeowners can use to get no cost assistance and free anonymous bids on going solar in Southern California. Pick My Solar works with the homeowner to spec out a system to meet the homeowner’s needs, posts the project (anonymously) for solar installers to bid on, evaluates the bids, and provides the best ones to the homeowner. No-one ever visits the home and the homeowner has no sales calls. Prices are about 10% below market averages and it costs the homeowner nothing.

Pick My Solar has been recognized as a finalist in DOE Sunshot's Catalyst competition, won first place in the Kauffman Foundation's Innovation Fund SoCal new business competition, and was named a 2015 Outstanding Small Business by Los Angeles' mayor Eric Garcetti and the US Small Business Administration.