Campus Ebola Preparation

October 16, 2014

“We sincerely hope that the victims infected by Ebola around the world recover fully and we forward our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those tragically felled by this virus.

 For the latest information about Ebola, including its signs and symptoms, please visit the CDC website at

As of 10/15/14, there have been no reported cases of Ebola in California, but, to be prepared, the Klotz SHC has implemented intensive and broad policies and procedures to identify and triage for Ebola exposure or infection.  These policies include our current screening of all patients for travel and exposure history,  and protocols for immediately isolating and safely addressing the health needs of anyone who might be at high risk, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Department of Public Health Acute Communicable Diseases Division.  The SHC is also working with the CSUN Environmental Health and Safety Department to ensure protection of our facilities and environments as appropriate for the safety of our patients and staff, and all SHC clinical staff have received updated training in our protocols and in the use of and access to full-body personal protective equipment to prevent infection and spread of the virus if it appears in our setting. The SHC  is monitoring CDC, CDPH, LACDPH, and WHO communications daily and continues to update policies and procedures as well as staff training and patient safety measures as necessary under these changing conditions.  The SHC has invited CSUN students, faculty, and staff to contact the SHC if you have any questions or concerns, to monitor the CDC website for new information and updates, and to consider consulting with our SHC Travel Clinic if you are planning upcoming travel.”

Yolanda (Linda) Reid Chassiakos, MD, FAAP, FACP
Klotz Student Health Center
California State University, Northridge