
Loretta Winters - Recent Publications

Winters, Loretta I. and Paul C. Winters. 2012. “Black Teenage Pregnancy: A Dynamic Social Problem.” Sage Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244012436563. 

Winters, Loretta I. Forthcoming. “Melissa Drexler.” In Encyclopedia of Women and Crime: Issues and Cases, edited by Vickie Jensen and Karren Baird. Phoenix, AZ: Greenwood Publications. 

Winters, Loretta I. 2008. “Multiracial Identity” In Encyclopedia of Social Problems, edited by Vincent N. Parrillo. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 

Winters, Loretta I. and Herman DeBose. 2003. New Faces in a Changing America: Multiracial Identity in the 21st Century. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc

DeBose, Herman L. and Loretta Winters. “The Dilemma of Biracial People of African American Descent.” In New Faces in a Changing America: Multiracial Identity in the 21st Century. 

O’Donnell, Brummett and Loretta I. Winters. 2003. “Gang Affiliation and Self-Esteem: The Effects of a Mixed-Heritage Identity.” In New Faces in a Changing America: Multiracial Identity in the 21st Century, edited by H. DeBose and L.I. Winters

Winters, Loretta I. “Epilogue: The Multiracial Movement: Harmony and Discord” in New Faces in a Changing America: Multiracial Identity in the 21st Century, edited by H. DeBose and L. Winters. 

Rich, Harvey, E. and Loretta I. Winters. 2001. “Disasters”. In California’s Social Problems, 2nd Edition, edited by Jim Glynn and Charles F. Hohm. Pine Forge. 

Winters, Loretta I. and Herman DeBose. 1999. “African American Families: The Dilemma of Biracial Individuals”. In Human Geography of African America, 2nd edition, edited by Eleazu Obinna: New York: McGraw-Hill. 

DeBose, Herman and Loretta I. Winters. 1998. “Some Contributions of Sociology to the Field of African Education”. Pp. 202-218 in Foundations of African American Education, edited by Eleazu Obinna. New York: Longman. 

Rich, Harvey, E. and Loretta I. Winters. 1997. “California Natural Disasters”. Pp. 202-218 in California’s Social Problems, edited by Charles F. Hohm. New York: Longman. 

Winters, Loretta. 1994. “Review of Our Grandmothers' Lives as Told in Their Own Words.American Indian Culture and Research Journal. 18(2): 252-255. 

Winters, Loretta. 1992. “Dear Christopher”. Pp.93-95, in Dear Christopher: Letters to Christopher Columbus by Contemporary Native Americans, edited by Darryl Wilson and Barry Joyce. Riverside: University of California. 

Meier, John H., Loretta Winters, and Tadashi Mayeda. 1985. Brothers and Sisters Emergency Care Program: Final Report of Pilot Study. Monograph 24:2/85.Beaumont, CA. Child help, USA.