• 39th CSUN Assistive Technology Conference - March 18-22, 2024 at the Anaheim Marriott

    The Premier AT Conference

39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

Developing Accessible Experiences on iOS

Date & Time
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 3:20 PM PDT  
Platinum 8  

Native mobile applications are often seen as a copy of their web counterpart, but they can serve different purposes. Although the principles of accessibility are the same, the technical approaches and solutions can be quite different. On mobile, you can be challenged by gestures, accessibility actions, visual, auditory, and vibrational notifications, as well as creating an intuitive interface. iOS offers an extensive range of accessibility features and resources that enable developers to create a more inclusive experience for all users.

How can we effectively adopt an accessibility-first approach to develop for mobile devices, taking into account their intricate layers of complexity? What can we learn from Apple's ecosystem, design system, and components to customize the user experience? How can we leverage Apple's accessibility frameworks to do so? And how can we test and validate our accessibility enhancements are working as intended?

Accessibility is a journey. Incorporating accessibility into the development process does not guarantee an accessible solution. Iterating based on customer feedback is essential to help ensure that the solution is understandable, interactive, and navigable for all users.

Follow along as we take you on a journey through Intuit's development process, from the initial round of requirements gathering, through the design and development stages, and ultimately to customer testing.

This Presentation Link is provided by the Presenter(s) and not hosted by the Center on Disabilities at CSUN. The Center on Disabilities has confirmed, as of March 27, 2024, content linked is relevant to the presentation, but has not been reviewed for accessibility nor will the Center on Disabilities attempt to remediate any accessibility issues in the linked content. Please contact the Presenter(s) with any accessibility concerns.

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Finance & Banking
  • Research & Development
  • Legal
  • Administration & Business Support
Audience Level
Session Summary (Abstract)
Follow along on a journey through Intuit's app development process, from the initial round of requirements gathering through design and development stages and ultimately to customer testing. We will highlight accessibility features specific to iOS.  
Primary Topic
Mobile Technology  
Secondary Topics
  • Design
  • Development
  • Digital Accessibility
  • Engineering
Session Type
General Track  


  • Cassandra Zuria
  • Kenneth Bigler

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