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Academic First Year Experiences

Freshman Faculty Series: Spring 08

Scaffolding Freshmen without a Hanging: Pedagogy in the Freshman Classroom

Scaffold used for construction.

Presentation by Dr. Kerry Noonan (Anthropology).

Monday, April 14, 2008, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the CIELO conference room (SH 439).

To RSVP: call CIELO at x6535.

What happens when your formerly familiar lower-division GE class is populated by freshmen--all freshmen, all the time: no juniors and seniors to model appropriate classroom behaviors and study strategies; no certainty that students know how to read assigned texts or take notes? How do you change course without changing your course beyond recognition? Join Kerry as she discusses how to help your freshmen rise to your expectations.

(Not familiar with "scaffolding" as a term of art in teaching? Take a quick look at this Carleton College webpage which offers some useful definitions and examples of scaffolding and sequencing.)

Coffee, tea, water, and light snacks provided. Feel free to bring your lunch!