Academic First Year Experiences

Promoting Academic Honesty: Resources from the Workshop

Banner image credit:  CC BY-SA 3.0. Nina Paley, "Mimi & Eunice: Thief." Web. Accessed 12 Oct. 2015.

Whether you did or didn't attend the 10/8/15 workshop on Promoting Academic Honesty, please take advantage of the workshop resources listed here.

Topics and presenters:

Introduction: Kristy Michaud, Political Science and Faculty Development

  • Pedagogical Prevention: Kim Henige, Kinesiology
  • Cool Technology, Helpful Strategies: Hillary Kaplowitz, Faculty Technology Center and Cinema & Television Arts
  • Didn't They Learn this in Freshman Writing Classes?--Leveraging Prior Knowledge: Stefanie A. Drew, Psychology
  • Dishonesty Consequences: Sam Lingrosso, Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development

Discussion: Cheryl Spector, English and Academic First Year Experiences

Resources and readings:

You'll find the slides from Kristy and our four presenters (including the video clips discussing what CSUN freshmen typically learn about academic honesty in their writing classses) in this myCSUNbox folder:

Event sponsors: