University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

Steven Jordan Brooks Presents: “Hollywood The Band: A Tale of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll”

Steven Jordan Brooks turned his passion for music into a career. A classically trained musician, he transitioned to rock music in high school when he joined his first rock band. This continued through his college years at California State University Northridge where he earned his degree in Philosophy. After college, he continued working in rock bands in night clubs and other venues often times playing six nights a week, six sets a night. He moved to the business side of the entertainment business working mostly in management and production. He worked with many artist including Missing Persons, Kansas, Devo, Cat Stevens, Jeff Beck, Supertramp, and many others. Having worked in many areas of the entertainment and music business, he was able to draw from his own experiences, knowledge, as well as the stories of other musicians to write the book, showing the struggles, hardships, and difficulty of being successful in the music and entertainment industry.


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