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The extraction well fights the greenhouse effect for Gas Plus, D'Orsogna dismantles the thesis

An Italian American researcher, Maria Rita D'Orsogna, does not send her to say on the well Santa Maria Nuova of Ancona which, according to Gas plus, makes Italy less dependent on Russia and even fights the greenhouse effect. So, in his blog, the lecturer at California State University at Northridge writes: "Gas Plus, this nation should aim for 100% of sun and wind, and not drills for energy independence". The well has been authorized by the environment minister Gian Luca Galletti and Dario Franceschini and has been in production since April 5th. The justification proposed to the general public to proceed with the authorization is the same reserved for impacting, but strategic (sic!) Works, which in the reactions of the multinational technicians are a panacea for the territories in which they are planted. As for Tap (Trans adriatic pipeline), in making room for the pipeline it was discovered that the olive trees were sick and were cut down, but at play it was confirmed that the Xilella has never hit those trees uprooted. This is also the case for other impacting works, the Adriatic Network project, for example, reduced to stew to simplify the authorization, that is, to build a pipeline of about 700 km of pipelines, which frees us from Russian gas and subjects us to that of the disquieting republic of Azerbaijan and then, according to Snam, the pipes would consolidate the sin soils that are buried precisely in fault areas and at maximum seismic risk. D'Orsogna, a physicist and university lecturer at California State University at Northridge, exposes yet another shame of a government that, at its end, knows how to give the worst of itself more than it has already done in recent years.

Report age - Italy (in Italian)

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