Central American Studies

Carolina Rivera Escamilla

Monday, April 15, 2019 - 11:00am to 12:15pm

Bookstein Hall 228


Central American Studies Lecture Series presents CArolina Rivera Escamilla.  A literary reading and conversation with Los Angeles-based, Salvadoran author, playwright, and filmmaker Carolina Rivera Escamilla, author of the short story collection titled, ...after....

Carolina Rivera Escamilla flyer

"In my writing, my characters deal with exile, displacement, and nostalgia.  Even if exile is most often understood as leaving one's homeland, nostalgic memory of homeland often adds dimension to economic exile, social class alienation, political oppression, and displacement within one's own world.  All my work explores the psycho-political repression in which I grew up in El Salvador.  Living memory affects my everyday life."

This event is sponsored by the Department of Central American Studies.