Development Training

1.5 ALIVE, Apr 2-3

Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 12:00pm to Friday, April 3, 2015 - 1:00pm

Matador Track Field


Facilitated by: Dr. Steven Loy - Faculty, Department of Kinesiology

Join Dr. Steven Loy and his team Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from January 30th to May 8th, for some delightful cardio and strength training. Come join your colleagues on Fridays to enhance your cardio health by walking, jogging, running. Use that renewed vigor to then participate in the ExerCircuit program on Tuesdays & Thursdays to promote muscle strength. It doesn’t matter what fitness level you are on, this is a fun way to work out and build a great support system while you do it. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is a strong indicator of future health and a low CRF is related to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and premature all-cause mortality.  Take this quick on-line test to estimate your current CRF:  As you continue to join us, see if you can improve your CRF!

Still not convinced? Watch the 1.5 Alive Video to learn why you should join every Tuesday/Thursday and Friday for 1.5 Alive!

Specifics for Fridays:

Fridays at noon, we meet at the CSUN “big” track and we walk or run for 15 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of other activity, leaving you 5 minutes to walk into Redwood Hall and shower/freshen up if you wish.

To start the activity, you walk BRISKLY past the soccer field and up the service road past the tennis courts. We start at 12 sharp.  If you get there late, do the 5 minute dynamic warm up exercises you've been taught; if you don't know them, grab one of our 100 Citizens students to walk you through them.

This is the schedule for 30 minutes.  If you have more time to spare, an additional 15 minutes can be added to the Cardiovascular section resulting in a stop time of 12:45 and 15 minutes for any questions.

  • 12:00 -12:05    Dynamic Warm up
  • 12:05 -12:20    Cardiovascular: Walk, walk/run, jog, run.  Eventually, your goal is to improve your VO2 max by walking/jogging 1.5 in 15-20 minutes.  Ask a student how to progress.
  • 12:20 -12:25    All body strength
  • 12:25 -12:30    Flexibility

Specifics for Tuesdays and Thursdays:

Come take advantage of our Tuesday and Thursday ExerCircuit program. It is located just north of the Brown Center and runs from 12pm to 1pm. It is an opportunity to develop good strengthening techniques and improve on your fitness level. Our trainers will be there to provide exciting programs and supervise proper form.

A typical session starts with you walking briskly to the ExerCircuit. While you’re walking swing your arms, do arm circles back and forth, gently swing your arms to hug your chest and hold it in each direction for a few seconds and feel the stretch! Also, move your head from side to side and hold that stretch for a few.  Once you’re stretched, join a trainer and make your way through the various work stations.

Remember that the ExerCircuit is there all week, so don’t limit yourself to just Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Monday and Friday, you can arrange to meet a partner and go through the stations together since you will know what to do!  The ExerCircuit periphery stations are designed to have 2 participants station to station, so you can chit chat ALL THE WAY THROUGH YOUR WORKOUT!

  • Please print and complete the PAR-Q Form and the 1.5 Alive Liability Waiver Form, and bring them with you to your first session (mandatory).
  • At the end of the semester, there will be an opportunity to evaluate your cardiorespiratory fitness through a 1.0 mile walk, a 12 minute walk/run, or a 1.5 mile run and evaluate your next steps.

Feel free to join the program any time throughout the semester! This is a joint program from the Department of Kinesiology, Matador Athletics, and Human Resources. BRING A FRIEND ... WE NEED 100 PARTICIPANTS (CSUN community = friends, family, colleagues) BY THE END OF THE PROGRAM FOR 1.5 ALIVE! TO CONTINUE!!

Register for this event in 4 Easy Steps:

  1. Log into the myNorthridge Portal
  2. Locate the Training/Professional Development pagelet and select the Employee Learning & Training Link
  3. Select Instructor Led Training Sessions under Upcoming Events, and find the session you want to attend
  4. Select Enroll

After you have successfully enrolled, you will receive an email which you can use to automatically book the commitment to your calendar.

If you are interested in registering and cannot access the portal please contact Heather Kennedy at X6566 or Rosemary Martin at X6938 for assistance.