• Celebrating Nuestra Comunidad





1:04 pm – 1:40 pm


In Attendance: Natalie Mason-Kinsey, Marcella DeVeaux, Janet Oh, Debra Hammond, Ellen Stohl, Farrell Webb, Carlos Fuentes, Theresa White

Discussion Items:

A. Annual Report

It was noted that the introduction of the annual report is the same as last year’s, however the focus has been expanded to include the commission’s efforts and response to the death of George Floyd. The section titled ‘Commission Activities’ has been updated to provide additional information on these efforts. Additionally, this section may be used to highlight efforts and achievements that commissioners have engaged in outside of their commission work. Commissioners who wish to have such efforts and achievements included may provide Azam or Natalie with this information by 4/15. Commissioners recommended including a section for 2022 Planning / Upcoming initiatives.

B. DEIG Scoring Rubric

Per the commission’s recommendation, the language was updated to include scaffolding differentiation between each score when possible. The deadline to provide feedback for this document will be Thursday, 4/15 at 9am. It was noted that per the commission’s suggestions, the following sections were removed: “Capacity to Affect a Broad Audience” & “Clarity of Proposal”.

C. Calendar

The suggested changes from cabinet were reviewed. It was noted that cabinet wishes to expedite the roll-out of the next grant cycle, and hopes to announce the results to the campus community on 10/05/21. It was noted that in order to review and score the proposals, commissioners may decide to meet multiple times during the 2-week review period. The goal for the 1 st review week is to ensure that every proposal has been read, so that the scoring can take place during the second review week. Commissioners were reminded that in order to secure a second round of funding, proposals that were approved in the previous year must submit their final reports by 8/31/21. Commissioners suggested color-coding the proposals, in order to distinguish new proposals from proposals seeking continued funding.

D. Workgroups

It was noted that commission leaders for each group must be identified, and the list will be record by Co-Chair DeVeaux. Moreover, the leaders were advised to email Dr. DeVeaux so that she can create a list-serve to stay in touch. It was shared that several groups leaders have spoken with the cabinet leaders of their workgroups, and are scheduling their first meetings already. It was noted that Dr. White will serve as the commission-lead on the ‘Honoring Black Culture and History’ workgroup, and that the group has already had their first meeting.


Commissioners were reminded that the CDO shared a link that will allow CSUN employees to receive a discount if they wish to enroll in the 2021 NCORE Conference before April 30 th . Community members and students who wish to attend the conference are encouraged to reach out to either Natalie or Azam for more information.

Meeting concluded at: 1: 40pm

Action Items:

1. Azam will add the Annual Report to Box.

2. Azam will attach appendices to Annual Report.

3. Commissioners interested in having items listed under the “Commission Activities” section of the Annual Report may email the CDO verbiage of their efforts.

4. Azam will add the rubric to box.

5. Deadline to provide feedback for the rubric is Thursday, 4/15 at 9am.