Black Male Scholars

  • Black Male Scholars - A program designed to empower its students to recognize their academic potential.

BMS Application

Class Standing
Barbershop Time
What time works best for you to attend the weekly Barbershop Talk in person? You can select all that apply.
Feel free to share any topics that you would like to discuss during one of the Barbershop Talks.
Monthly Event Time
What time works best for you to attend a Monthly BMS sponsored event? You can select all that apply.
I hereby authorize the Black Male Scholars program to collect and compile information about me in the BMS data tracking system. The purpose of the data collection system is to help the program staff monitor the academic performance, plan programs, develop support services, and assess program impacts for BMS members. The information collected such as background/demographic characteristics, enrollment status, academic data (GPA, credits earned, etc.) and BMS activities/events participation will only be reviewed by program personnel. The only people who will have access to my name are my advisor(s) and data system administrators. De-identified data (data without names and other confidential information attached) may be made available to other research institutions. My signature below indicates that I agree to participate in the data collection for the duration of my enrollment at this institution. Furthermore, I understand that if I change my mind, I may write a letter to BMS stating that I revoke my consent for the data collection, which will cease upon receipt of my letter
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