Accounting and Information Systems

  • Chuck Noski

    Alumnus Inducted into Accounting Hall of Fame

  • Accounting and IS Faculty and Staff

    Accounting Faculty and Staff

  • acct

    Awards Banquet

BS in Information Systems (BSIS)

The study of Information Systems (IS) centers on the effective use of information technology – computers and telecommunications networks – to support management decision-making and corporate strategy, in addition to providing all necessary operational level support for an organization.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Our graduates are able to recognize and analyze ethical problems in organizational situations and select and defend a course of action.
  • Our graduates are able to effectively communicate complex information system and business concepts orally and in writing.
  • Our graduates are able to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills when analyzing and solving information system and business problems.
  • Our graduates understand the individual and group dynamics of project teams.
  • Our graduates have knowledge of IS technology components and their interrelations.
  • Our graduates have the knowledge to implement information systems that support an organization’s strategic objectives.
  • Our graduates develop skills through research in IS literature that will prepare them for life-long learning in the field.

Option in Business Systems

Program Requirements

Graduation Plan

Option in Information Technology

Program Requirements

Graduation Plan