Refereed Journals Books Refereed Proceedings Journals of Popular Science

Refereed Journals

[37] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, E. Estecahandy, and Moussaoui, Mathematical determination of the Frechet derivative with respect to the domain for a fuid-structure scattering problem: Case of polygonal-shaped domains, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 50(1), (2018) pp. 1010-1036.

[36] B. Zambri, R. Djellouli, and T.M. Laleg-Kirati, An Eefficient Multistage Algorithm for Full Calibration of the Hemodynamic Model from BOLD Signal Responses, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (2017), DOI:10.1002/cnm.2875. (Zambri was CSUN graduate at the time of authorship).

[35] A. Kelkar, E. Yomba, and R. Djellouli, Solitary wave solutions and modulational instability in a system of coupled complex Newell-Segel-Whitehead equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 41(2016), pp 118-139. (Kelkar was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship).

[34] N. Khoram, C. Zayane, R. Djellouli, and T.M. Laleg-Kirati, A novel approach to calibrate the Hemodynamic Model using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) measurements, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 262 (2016), pp. 93-109. (Khoram was CSUN graduate at the time of authorship).

[33] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and E. Estecahandy, Frechet differentiability of the elasto-acoustic scattered field with respect to Lipschitz domains, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (2015) DOI: 10.1002/mma.3444. (Estecahandy was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship).

[32] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and E. Estecahandy, Efficient DG-like formulation equipped with curved boundary edges for solving elasto-acoustic scattering problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 98 (2014), pp. 747-780. (Estecahandy was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[31] M. Amara, S. Chaudhri, J. Diaz, R. Djellouli, and S. L. Fiedler, A local wave tracking strategy for efficiently solving mid- and high-frequency Helmholtz problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 276 (2014), pp. 473--508. (Chaudhri was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship)

[30] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and E. Estecahandy, A Characterization of the Frechet Derivative of the Elasto-Acoustic Field with respect to Lipschitz Domains, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 22, 1, (2014) pp. 1--9. (Estecahandy was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[29] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and E. Estecahandy, On the existence and the uniqueness of the solution of a fluidstructure interaction scattering problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412, 2, (2014) pp. 571--588, 2014. (Estecahandy was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[28] R. Djellouli, S. Mahserejian, A. Mokrane, M. Moussaoui, and T. M. Laleg-Kirati, Theoretical study of the fibrous capsule tissue growth around a disk-shaped Implant, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 67, (2013), pp. 833--867. (Mahserejian was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship)

[27] M. Amara, H. calandra, R. Djellouli, and M. Grigoroscuta-Strugaru, A stable Discontinuous Galerkin-type Method for Solving Efficiently Helmholtz Problems, Computers and Structures, (2012), 106-107, pp.258--272. (Grigoroscuta-Strugaru was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[26] H. Barucq, C. Bekkey, and R. Djellouli, Ful Aperture Reconstruction of the Acoustic Far-Field Pattern from Few Measurements, Commun. Comput. Phys., (2012), Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 647--659.

[25] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and A. G. Saint-Guirons, Exponential Decay of High-Order Spurious Prolate Spheroidal Modes Induced by a Local Approximate DtN Exterior Boundary Condition, Progress In Electromagnetic Research B, (2012), 37, pp. 1--19.

[24] M. Grigoroscuta-Strugaru, M. Amara, H. calandra, and R. Djellouli, A modified Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Solving Efficiently Helmholtz problems, Commun. Comput. Phys., (2012), Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 335--350. (Grigoroscuta-Strugaru was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[23] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and A. G. Saint-Guirons, High frequency analysis of the efficiency of a local approximate DtN2 boundary condition for prolate spheroidal-shaped boundaries, Wave Motion, (2010), pp. 583--600.

[22] H. Barucq, C. Bekkey, and R. Djellouli, A Multi-Step Procedure for Enriching Limited Two-Dimensional Acoustic Far-Field Pattern Measurements, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 18, (2010), pp. 189--216.

[21] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and A. G. Saint-Guirons, three-dimensional approximate local DtN boundary conditions for prolate spheroid boundaries, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (In Press). (Saint-Guirons was a Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[20] M. Amara, R. Djellouli, and C. Farhat, Convergence analysis of a discontinuous Galerkin method with plane waves and Lagrange multipliers for the solution of Helmholtz problems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47, (2009), pp. 1038--1066.

[19] H. Barucq, R. Djellouli, and A. G. Saint-Guirons, Performance assessment of a new class of local absorbing boundary conditions for elliptical- and prolate spheroidal-shaped boundaries, Applied Numerical Mathematics 59, (2009), pp. 1467-1498. (Saint-Guirons was a Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)

[18] P. Ryan, R. Djellouli, and R. Cohen, Modeling capsule tissue growth around disk-shaped implants: A numerical and in vivo study, Journal of Mathematical Biology 57, (2008), pp. 675--695. (Ryan was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship).

[17] R. Reiner, R. Djellouli, and I. Harari, Analytical and Numerical investigation of the performance of theBGT2 condition for low frequency acoustic scattering problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 204 (2), (2007), pp. 526--535. (Reiner was CSUN student and then became Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor, at the time of authorship)
[16] A. Gillman, R. Djellouli, and M. Amara, A Mixed Hybrid Formulation Based on Oscillated Finite Element Polynomials for Solving Helmholtz Problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 204, (2007), pp. 515--525. (Gillman was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship)
[15] R. Reiner and R. Djellouli, Improvement of the performance of the BGT2 condition for low frequency acoustic scattering problems, Journal of Wave Motion 43, (2006), pp. 406--424. (Reiner was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship)
[14] R. Reiner, R. Djellouli, and I. Harari, The performance of local absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic scattering from elliptical shapes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195, (2006), pp. 3622--3665. (Reiner was CSUN graduate student at the time of authorship)

 [13] I. Harari and R. Djellouli, Analytical study of the effect of wave number on the performance of local absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic scattering, Applied Numerical Mathematics 50, (2004), pp. 15--47.

[12] H. Barucq, C. Bekkey, and R. Djellouli, Construction of local boundary conditions for an eigenvalue problem. Application to optical waveguide problems, Journal of Computational Physics 193, (2004), pp. 666--696.
[11] C. Farhat, R. Tezaur, and R. Djellouli, On the solution of three-dimensional
inverse obstacle acoustic scattering problems by a regularized Newton method, Inverse Problems 18 (5), (2002), pp. 1229--1246.
[10] R. Tezaur, A. Macedo, C. Farhat, and R. Djellouli, Three-dimensional finite element calculations in acoustic scattering using arbitrarily shaped convex artificial boundaries, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 53, (2002), pp. 1461--1476.
[9] R. Djellouli, C. Farhat, and R. Tezaur,  A fast method for solving acoustic scattering problems in frequency bands, Journal of Computational Physics 168, (2001), pp. 412--432.
[8] R. Djellouli, C. Bekkey, A. Choutri, and H. Rezgui, A local boundary condition
coupled to a finite element method to compute guided modes of optical fibers under the weak guidance assumptions, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 23, (2000), pp. 1551--1583. (Bekkey was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)
[7] C. Bekkey and R. Djellouli, An integral method to compute guided modes of an optical coupler in the vectorial case, Applied Mathematical Modeling 24, (2000), pp. 697--713. (Bekkey was Ph.D. student at the time of authorship)
[6] R. Djellouli, C. Farhat, A. Macedo and R. Tezaur, Finite element solution of two-dimensional acoustic scattering problems using arbitrarily shaped convex artificial boundaries, Journal of Computational Acoustics 8, (2000), pp. 81--99.
[5] R. Djellouli and C. Farhat, On the characterization of the Fr\'echet differentiability
with respect to a Lipschitz domain of the acoustic scattered field, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 238, (1999), pp. 259--276.
[4] R. Djellouli, C. Farhat, J. Mandel, and P. Vanek, Continuous Fr\'echet
differentiability with respect to a Lipschitz domain and a stability estimate for direct acoustic scattering problems, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 63, (1999), pp. 51--59. 
[3] R. Djellouli, Integral method to calculate propagation constants and cut-off frequencies of guided modes of optical fibers. Part II: case of fibers with two cores, Maghreb Mathematical Review 3 (2), (1994), pp. 97--115.
[2] R. Djellouli, Integral method to calculate propagation constants and cut-off frequencies of guided modes of optical fibers, Part I: case of step-index profile fibers, Maghreb Mathematical Review 3 (1), (1994), pp. 31--64.
[1] A. S. Bonnet and R. Djellouli, High frequency asymptotic of guided modes in optical fibers,  IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 52, (1994), pp. 271--287.

Refereed Journals Refereed Proceedings Journals of Popular Science