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About Dr. Hamer

Marc R. Hamer, Ph.D.

Home Page

About Dr. Hamer



Office Location:
Sierra Tower 331

Office Phone:
(818) 677-2827


Areas of Clinical Expertise                                                                       

Clinical psychology, clinical triage and diagnosis, psychoanalytic psychology, object relations, developmental psychology, attachment theory, romantic love, personality disorders, Jungian psychology, spirituality in human behavior, depth psychology, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral psychology, clinical hypnosis, relaxation and stress reduction, industrial organizational psychology, the influence of media on human behavior, the psychology of sales performance, the psychology of marketing, advertising and public relations as well as the psychology of politics and political campaigns.


Dr. Hamer’s services as a psychological consultant have been utilized in a variety of forensic, corporate, and political settings. His consulting practice evolved from his expertise in the psychology of advertising, sales, marketing,  and public relations, as well as the psychology of personality and personality disorders. Dr. Hamer’s long time association with Dr. John Curtis and The Curtis Research and Consultation Group as well as Discobolos Consulting Services, Inc. in Brentwood, California, have included consultation activities in psychodiagnostic assessment, jury selection, advertising product identity research and focus groups, critical incident debriefing, and damage control for media and political figures. Pursuant to confidentiality agreements still in force, the identity of existing clientele cannot be disclosed. However, several political campaigns have acknowledged in writing a consulting relationship with Dr. John Curtis, Curtis Research and Consultation Group, and/or Discobolos Consulting Services, Inc. Dr. Hamer’s consulting expertise in regard to the influence of media on human behavior, the psychology of advertising, sales, marketing, and public relations as well as the psychology of politics and political campaigns have been utilized by Dr. John Curtis in the following political campaigns: Clinton-Gore, 1992; Bush-Cheney, 2000; Hahn, 2001; Bush-Cheney, 2004; and Kerry-Edwards, 2004.

Private Practice

Dr. Hamer's private clinical practice is grounded in psychoanalytic object relations theory and specializes in treating disorders of the personality. His main offices are located in Westlake Village, California.


Dr. Hamer’s research interests include: the psychological effects of media on human behavior, psychology and the creative process, as well as the psychology of advertising, sales, marketing, and public relations. Dr. Hamer is currently in the process of researching a textbook on romantic love and attachment theory, which will incorporate the work of Jan Clanton-Collins, Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

