September 26, 2014 Workshop Materials

Title: Teaching Measures of Variability,
Presenter: Professor Ann Watkins

Abstract: We will discuss how to teach the measures of variability mandated by the California Common Core State Standards, with emphasis on the standard deviation. You will leave with many lessons and handouts that you can use with your own students, from exploring the basic definitions through why the seemingly complicated standard deviation is the measure of choice. Bring a graphing calculator and any questions you might have: Did you ever wonder why we divide by n - 1 when computing the standard deviation?

Links to Handouts

PDF version of Watkins' handouts

Word version of Watkins' handouts

Recommended Links

American Statistical Society's Recommended Links for Teachers

StatCrunch software and access for teachers.

Nate Silver's posts via FiveThirtyEight, which is a polling aggregation website.

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