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Prof LOverman's English 495ESM Writing Projects


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No late work accepted! Only typed, stapled (if in hard copy), 12 font Times Roman, double spaced work accepted as indicated on weekly schedules. Online-All writing assignments to be completed in MLA format for credit on day due. All essays MUST BE SUBMITTED to Turnitin.com VIA Canvas in a timely fashion or will receive No Credit. That is where they will be commented upon and graded. Note if instructor comments are not reviewed by you then none will be made any further, however conferences during office hours are always available to you to discuss any concerns.

See Canvas for details!

Collaborative Myth Presentation/Lesson=10%

Collaborative Media Literacy Presentation=20%

Other Assignments=15%

  1. Blog (see weekly schedule for specific prompts) -Create a blog.
  2. Poetry Analysis Essay (5-6 pages, excluding Works Cited)
  3. World Fiction Analysis Essay (5-6 pages, excluding Works Cited)
  4. Peer Reviews
  5. Creative Writing (Poetry)
  6. Myth Website

Final Portfolio =50%- I will grade your portfolio holistically