TUC Sponsored Programs

General Salary Increase (GSI) for Sponsored Programs Employees

June 13, 2016

Dear Principal Investigators:

For the FY 2016/17, TUC’s Board of Directors has approved a 2% General Salary Increase (GSI)  [formerly known as Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)] for TUC employees. The increase is effective as of July 1, 2016. GSI is a percentage increase of the compensation intended to maintain relative competitiveness with market rate salaries.

TUC leaves the decision to grant a GSI at the discretion of the individual Principal Investigator. The GSI must be funded from the respective project(s). Please ensure that sufficient funding in your project(s) is available before you grant a GSI.

The GSI applies only to regular staff appointments.

Not eligible for a GSI are ‘Emergency Hires’, employees with less than 6 months of service, and employees with a change of status increase during the past 6 months.

Should you decide to grant a GSI to your employees, please notify the TUC-Human Resources Dept. via the attached form: click here. The GSI will then be processed with the next pay period.

Should you have any questions, please contact me, your liaison or Kathryn Weeks, TUC Human Resources at 5040 or at kathryn.weeks@csun.edu .


Georg Jahn
Director, Sponsored Programs & Financial Services