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Senate Executive Committee Meetings, 2013-2014

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Sandra Chong

Elementary Education Department

Shane Frehlich

President of the Faculty

Kinesiology Department

Sheila Grant

Psychology Department

Harry Hellenbrand

Provost and Vice President

Academic Affairs

Michael Hoggan

Cinema and Television Arts

Terri Lisagor

Secretary of the Faculty

Family and Consumer Sciences

Kristy Michaud

Political Science Department

Jared Rappaport

Cinema and Television Arts Department

Diane Schwartz

Computer Science Department

Cheryl Spector

English Department

Adam Swenson

Vice President of the Faculty

Philosophy Department


Duties of the Senate Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall set the agenda for meetings of the Senate and meetings of the Faculty. They shall review all policy recommendations, monitor membership, and oversee activities of the Standing and Advisory Committees. They shall oversee and conduct the nomination process and elections for the Senate and the Faculty. They shall act for the Faculty, the Senate and the Standing Committees of the Senate on those matters requiring Faculty action or consultation during the intersession, special sessions or summer months.

Description of Membership

There shall be constituted each year an eleven-member Executive Committee consisting of: the President of the Faculty, the Vice President of the Faculty, the Secretary of the Faculty, the senior representative of the CSU Academic Senate, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (non-voting), and six members of the teaching faculty elected by and from the Senate.

Routine Meeting Time

The Executive Committee meets monthly on a Thursday from 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Link to calendar.
