Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

In Class- Practice Classifying Questions

Source: Bob Emerson (former student)
Classify each of the following questions as being either:
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis or Evaluation.

Review samples of this assignment.
More samples available on class newsgroup

Part 1:  The Solar System and Planetary Motion


(1) Characterize the major differences between the following groups of planets:
Group A: Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
Group B: Venus, Mercury, Earth

(2) Name the planets of the solar system from closest to farthest from the sun.
(3) President Bush has proposed that the United States attempt to send men to Mars by the year 2010, much as President Kennedy in 1960 proposed that the United States send men to the moon within ten years. Discuss the relative merits of such a manned mission to Mars compared to sending a robotic mission.

(4) Describe the differences between orbits of a planet, a recurring comet, and a "one-time" comet.

(5) The inner planets, including Mars are small and rocky. The outer planets, for the most part, are large and gaseous like Jupiter. Between Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which many believe is the debris of a planet or the pieces of a planet which never formed. If a planet did exist between Mars and Jupiter which of the two would it most resemble. Give reasons to support your conclusion.
(6) Kepler's Third Law states that the square of the period of a planet's revolution is proportional to the cube of its distance from the sun (T2 ? D3). Jupiter is approximately 5.2 times farther away from the sun than the Earth. How long is Jupiter's "year".


Part 2:  Atmospheric Pressure


(7)    Since atmospheric pressure varies with altitude, barometers are often used to indirectly measure altitude. When used in this way they are called altimeters. What are some of the major shortcomings of such an altimeter when used by the pilot of a low flying aircraft.

(8)    A mercury barometer reads 755 mm. If the density of mercury  is 13.56 times that of water, what would the reading be on a barometer using water instead of mercury.  Why?

(9)   Atmospheric pressure measures the weight of a column of air from the earth's surface to the upper limit of the atmosphere.  Why is the pressure measured independent of the size of the column used?
(10)  On mountain backpacking trips it takes less time bring a pot of water to boil but more time to cook your food. Why?

(11) What is  the normal atmospheric pressure at sea level?

(12) With the help of two friends you decide to perform an experiment using Southern California's varied terrain. Your first friend drives to Badwater in Death Valley which, at 280 ft. below sea level, is the lowest point in the continental United States. Your second friend climbs to the summit of Mt. Whitney, the tallest mountain in the lower 48 states with an elevation of 14,495 ft.  You go the beach and work on your tan. If you each took a barometer with you, where would the highest reading be found. The lowest?


Part 3:  Falling Bodies and Projectile Motion


(13)   Give the formula that describes the motion of a falling body near the earth's surface.

(14)   Legend has it that Galileo investigated the motion of falling bodies by dropping objects from the leaning tower of Pisa. In actuality his studies were done by rolling objects down inclined planes. Discuss the advantages this method may have held for Galileo.

(15)   According to Newton's Laws, falling bodies should continue to accelerate until they impact with the ground. However, this is not the case.  Sky divers, for example, reach a maximum speed of about 100 mph, called "terminal velocity". What causes this effect?

(16)    Why do objects fall more slowly on the moon than on Earth?

(17)   A bowling ball is dropped from a height of 100 meters.  How long will it take to reach the ground and how fast will it be traveling when it does? Ignore air resistance.

(18)    If you fire a bullet from a rifle aimed at the horizon and at the same time drop a bullet from the same height as the muzzle of the gun, which will strike the ground first.