Java Applets

Java Applets: An Applet is a Java program that is run from inside a web browser. The html page loaded into the web browser contains an applet tag, which tells the browser where to find the Java .class (.java) files. View this page as source (html) and notice how the Java applets have been altered. To change colors, use the appropriate html codes.

Inserting Java Applets: Insert Java applets using the Insert/Other components/Java Applets command in Micrsoft Front Page. You can also insert them directly in html code as shown in the following example:

<APPLET CODE="javafile.class"></APPLET>


Calendar | Calculator | Digital Clock | Analog Clock | Number System Converter

An Applet is a Java program that is run from inside a web browser. The html page loaded into the web browser contains an applet tag, which tells the browser where to find the Java .class (.java) files. View this page as source (html) and notice how the Java applets have been altered. To change colors, use the appropriate html codes. There are many sources of applets.

Examine / Download files


Insert Current Weather


Sources of Applets
Free Applets
Java boutique
Commercial applets