
Faculty Collective-Sharon Hsu

Sharon HsuSharon Hsu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Coordinator of Adapted Physical Education Specialist Added Authorization and Graduate Adapted Physical Education Specialization Programs. She has two lines of health equity related research: (a) Transtheoretical Model guided health promotion interventions for persons with disabilities, and (b) integration of technology (e.g., Wii, DDR, X-Box Kinect, iPad, iPod) to promote regular physical activity for individuals with disabilities. Students who participate in her laboratory will (a) gain knowledge of health promotion curriculum development for persons with developmental disabilities (i.e., intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders), (b) have opportunities to interact and communicate with research participants with disabilities and their family members, (c) learn how to use different physical activity measurement devices (i.e., accelerometer, Actiheart, Sensewear, metabolic cart) and analyze these physical activity data, (d) become skilled at interviewing research participants with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, (e) learn skills in management of research data and quantitative statistical analyses, (f) gain knowledge of development of Transtheoretical Model tailored health promotion interventions, (g) explore creative ways of integrating technology to promote regular physical activity, and (g) gain knowledge of health disparities issues among persons with disabilities.