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Prof LOverman's English 115 Projects


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Writing-No Late Work accepted. Missing any step in progressions will prevent you from submitting a final portfolio!

Written Work

Note: Instructor will only review rough drafts one-on-one during an appt. you make with her.

All assignments to be completed before class starts. Written assignments typed, double-spaced and stapled, 1 " margins all around, left justified--in MLA format to be uploaded on your Blogs.

  1. Progression 1: Reading and Responding to Texts
    Exercise 1: Summary and Reconstruction
    Exercise 2: Letter to Author
    Exercise 3: Letter to Friend or Family Member
    Essay 1 (two drafts & peer reviewed)
    LRC visit-extra credit
  2. Progression 2: Seeing and Hearing Texts
    Our “text” is Persepolis. We’ll approach this text through a number of critical sources, classroom presentations, discussions and activities, and individual student essays. Graphic images for use in your Blog click here!
    Exercise 1: The “Word-Picture”
    Exercise 2: The Scene
    Exercise 3: The Ethnography
    Essay 2 (two drafts & peer reviewed)
    LRC visit-extra credit
  3. Progression 3: Arguing Through Texts
    Exercise 1: Argument and Analysis
    Exercise 2: The Dialogue
    Exercise 3: Argumentative Proposal
    Essay 3 (two drafts & peer reviewed)
    LRC visit-extra credit
  4. Rhetorical/Visual Analyses

    In 15 minutes discussion pairs facilitate discussions (not lectures) through interesting and creative ways that engage the class.  Discussion pairs should

    • Help the class draw important connections between the text and contemporary issues via message, method, medium
    • Help the class recognize the essay’s intended audience
    • Help the class recognize the essay’s rhetorical strategies
    • Help the class recognize the essay’s thesis and larger implications

    Possible discussion strategies include asking meaningful questions, group activities, textual connections, and film clips.

  5. The Final Project: you will form groups and design new media (powerpoint, YouTube, website, blog, etc.) devoted to a theme suggested by Progression III. Note that your new media can include images, video, and animation that illustrate the content and themes of your particular topic, in addition to a paragraph detailing contributions of the group. Each new media will be academic in content. Each group will present their findings to the class.

Final Portfolio - on your blogs! to contain REVISED materials from 2 Progressions, must include multimedia and Reflective Essay. Must have course grade of 75% min. to submit.

  1. Informal Reflective Essay
    Now that you’ve completed your progressions, reflect on the work you have done to complete your writing portfolio for final assessment.

    In the reflective essay you should address your work in light of these questions:

    What does your portfolio show about what you have learned this term?
    How might you apply what you have learned to your work in other courses?
    What do you need to work on next in your writing?

    The most important aspect of a reflective essay is that you must be honest! Your goal here is, in part, to record the progress you have made, but you must also engage in a frank assessment of what you need to do next in order to continue developing as a writer.

    During this term you have written a great deal; this is your opportunity to evaluate your progress, assess your accomplishments, and plan for the future.

    ►        Write a carefully structured reflection on your progress as writer and thinker through your work in this class. 

    Manuscript Notes: This essay should be 2-3 double-spaced pages.  When citing your own work, use MLA parenthetical documentation.

    Also—please submit an additional copy of an essay written in 115 to be submitted to Wings. This essay can be one of the essays included in the portfolio or a different one.