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How to Start Purging Your Digital Life

August 16, 2016

Illustration of a man cleaning a computer screen.

Photo Courtesy of PCMag

"A few times during the year, I get an urge to purge. Whether it's spring cleaning my closet or taking an hour on New Year's Day to archive all of last year's emails, I find it incredibly gratifying to dump (or sometimes simply hide) stuff I don't need. There's a whole lot of hippie rhetoric about how clutter-free environments lead to clarity of mind, and I'm not necessarily saying I believe it all, but I sure do feel less stressed when the junk is gone.

We learn from a young age to clean our rooms, donate or throw out things we don't need or want anymore, and put away our physical stuff. But many of us never learned how to do the same thing with our digital clutter. It's no surprise we never learned. Generations before us didn't have digital data, so who would have taught us?

If you enjoy a good purge and have a messy digital life, here are some suggestions and tips for getting rid of some old data.


The computer desktop becomes messy when we stick a file there for convenience, usually so it will be in our line of sight and we'll remember it exists. When we repeat this behavior over and over, the principle defeats itself. How can you see and remember a file among a heap of others, all crowding the desktop?"

Read more at PCMag