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Enterprise Database Environment - Access Request Form

CSUN's Enterprise Database Environment is available to campus organizations who require a place to store data which supports applications for their department and other areas of the campus community. Departments who require a secure, responsive, and monitored database environment used by applications that are not considered as mission-critical should consider using this environment.

If your application has been determined to be mission-critical, affects the entire campus community, and is needed on a 24/7 basis, the data should be stored in the IT Production Database Environment.

If you require an environment to support general purpose activities such as self-training, then you should use the IT Basic Database Environment.

For Enterprise Database users, there are two approaches:

Enterprise IT Instance - IT's responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: migrations, backups, security and monitoring.

Enterprise Organizational Instance - The organization works with IT to coordinate migrations, backups and monitoring. Security, recovery strategies/implementation, administration and maintenance are the responsibility of the organization. The instance is subject to audit reviews.

To access the Enterprise Environment, complete the sections below, save and reference the form in your online technical support request. Under Product/Category, select Software/Applications.

Section 1: Requester Information

Section 2: Access Information

If you select Enterprise Organizational Instance, please complete Section 3 below; otherwise, complete this section and reference the form in your online technical support request. Under Product/Category, select Software/Applications.

Section 3: Enterprise Organizational Instance

The Organization's acronym is used as the name of your database. For example, Information Technology would use the acronym "IT" as its database name.

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