Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program

Courses: Fall 2009

JS 151 - Natural Environment and Judaism & RTM 151F - Wilderness Survival

  • G. Goldman
  • 1 + 2 units  6 meetings (Tues 7-9 p.m. and two Sunday afternoons) and a 3-day field trip
  • On campus classroom: Jerome Richfield 203
  • Course #18546 + Course #17323

An examination of teachings on the natural environment found in Jewish literature and oral teachings, with an emphasis on values and practices related to respect for natural life and environmental conservation.  Students who take this course must also take the RTM 151F section linked to it. Arranged wilderness trips are required.

JS 200OL (online) - Introduction to Judaism

  • General Education Arts & Humanities
  • M. Paskow
  • 3 units
  • Course #18903

An examination of the historical development of Judaism's fundamental religious concepts and practices in their cultural and international setting.

JS/HIST 210 - History of the Jewish People

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies
  • E. Goodfriend
  • 3 units
  • MW 11a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
  • Jerome Richfield 301
  • JS Course #13537
  • HIST Course # 11730

A study of the Jewish people from their beginnings in the ancient Near East to the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

JS 300 - Humanities in Jewish Society: Ancient and Medieval

  • General Education Arts & Humanities and fulfills upper-division Information Competence requirement
  • M. Paskow 
  • 3 units
  • F 11 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
  • Jerome Richfield 31
  • Course #13381

A study of ancient and medieval Jewish culture examining literature, art and architecture, law, music, philosophy and science.

JS 330 - Women in the Jewish Experience

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies
  • E. Goodfriend
  • 3 units
  • TR 12:30-1:45 p.m.
  • Jerome Richfield 217
  • Course #13590

The social, cultural, and religious lives of women in Jewish communities from antiquity to present.  The course perspective is international, with significant focus on Mediterranean, West Asian, and American Jewish societies.

JS/HIST 486j - History of the Jews in the United States

  • A. Shevitz         
  • 3 units
  • MW 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.
  • Sierra Hall 186
  • JS Course #17896
  • HIST Course #18281

The social, cultural, economic and political history of Jewish people in the United States from the colonial era to the present, and the relevance of this history to American culture today.

JS/HIST 496IH - History and Peoples of Israel

  • J. Myers
  • 3 units   
  • TTh 11a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
  • Sierra Hall 192
  • JS Course #18997
  • HIST Course # 18963

Do you want to understand what all the news is about regarding Israel in the Middle East? These are some of the questions we will be answering: Why is there a Jewish state in the Middle East? Why don't Palestinians have their own state? Who are the people who live in Israel: their stories, their lives, their challenges? This course uses an innovative approach to learning. Students read on-line newspapers, watch YouTube videos, and assemble their own blogs.

HIST 356 - Antisemitism in Europe

  • M. Meyer
  • 3 units
  • MW 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
  • Sierra Hall 279
  • Course # 18271

This course about antisemitism encompasses attitudes, legal formulations, artistic references, and actions toward the Jews in the context of European history and in relationship to the evolution of Jewish identity.

RS 101 - The Bible

  • General Education Arts & Humanities
  • E. Goodfriend
  • MW 8:00-9:15 a.m.
  • Sierra Hall 384
  • Course #13428
  • E. Goodfriend
  • MW 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.
  • Sierra Hall 390
  • Course #13429
  • Staff
  • TTh 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
  • Sierra Hall 390
  • Course #13430

This course provides a survey of the content and major themes of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), New Testament, and Apocryphal writings.

RS 356 - Contemporary Religious Thought

  • General Education Arts & Humanities
  • J. Myers
  • 3 units
  • TTh 9:30-10:45  a.m.
  • Sierra Hall 314
  • Course # 13461

Religious exploration and innovation in American religion, with a significant emphasis on Judaism. Special theme this semester: religious concepts of the environment and eco-religious activism.

RS 378 - American Jewish Experience

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies and fulfills upper-division Information Competence requirement
  • A. Shevitz
  • 3 units
  • MW 9:30 -10:45 a.m.
  • Sierra Hall 314
  • Course #13463

This course describes the experience of the Jewish religio-ethnic community in America with reference to its own historical background and development, and the relationship of the community to the general American culture and to other particular subcultures or ethnic groups.

SOC 306 - Jewish Communal and Family Structure

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies
  • L. Yellin
  • 3 units
  • MW 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.
  • SH 102
  • Course # 12426

The study of Jewish communal and family structure in an international context as a function of religious requirements and social circumstances.

SOC 335 - Jewish Identity in the U.S.

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies
  • T. Hatkoff
  • 3 units
  • W 3:30 – 6:15 p.m.
  • SH 203
  • Course #12089

An examination of social institutions and processes involved in Jewish identity, and comparison with other American cultural groups.

HEB 101/101C - Elementary Hebrew and Conversation

  • General Education Comparative Cultural Studies
  • M. Rosenthal
  • 4 units
  • T Th 2:00-3:15 p.m. and lab
  • Jerome Richfield 330
  • Course # 13207/13208

First semester of a beginning level Hebrew course focusing on basic vocabulary, grammar, reading and practice in the spoken language.