Gender and Women's Studies

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13th Biennial Phenomenal Woman Awards

Sunday, November 4, 2018 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Grand Salon, University Student Union, California State University, Northridge
General Admission: $80, Alumni Ticket: $50, Student Sponsorship: $40, and various levels of sponsorhip

The Phenomenal Woman Awards event celebrates women who have made outstanding contributions to our community through their scholarship, activism, and commitment to excellence. It also allows the Gender & Women’s Studies Department to raise funds to sponsor special programming, support student and faculty research, and finance scholarships for Gender and Women's Studies students. In addition, these contributions support the CSUN Women’s Resource and Research Center, the oldest continuing Women’s Center within the California State University system.
This year, at the 13th Biennial Phenomenal Woman Awards, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Gender and Women’s Studies Department, and the 45th anniversary of the CSUN Women’s Research and Resource Center.
The honorees are:
  • Melina Abdullah, Professor and Chair of Pan-African Studies at CSULA
  • CSUN alumna, Judy Baca, is a painter and muralist, monument builder, and scholar 
  • Susan Dunlap, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles (PPLA)
  • Sandra Harding is a Distinguished Research Professor Emerita of Education and Gender Studies at UCLA
  • Nayereh Tohidi is Professor Emerita and former chair of Gender & Women’s Studies and the founding director of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at CSUN