- Impurity-induced tuning of quantum well states in spin dependent resonant tunneling, A. Kalitsov, A. Coho, N. Kioussis, A. Vedyayev, and M. Chshiev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 046603 (2004).
- On stress assisted dislocation constriction and cross-slip (Invited article, Owen Richmond Memorial Special Issue), G. Lu, V. Bulatov, and N. Kioussis, Intern. Journ. of Plasticity 20/3 , 447-458 (2004).
- Tuning the magnetism in strongly-correlated electron nanoclusters, N. Kioussis, Y. Luo, and C. Verdozzi, Physics of Spin in Solids: Materials, Methods, and Applications”,edited by S. Halilov, NATO Science Series, 156, 115 (2004).
- Zero-temperature phase diagram of the Periodic Anderson Model , Y. Luo, C. Verdozzi, and N. Kioussis, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7198 (2004).
- Disordered Kondo nanoclusters: Effect of spacing, C. Verdozzi, Y. Luo, and N. Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 70, 132404 (2004).
- A nonplanar Peierls-Nabarro model and its applications to dislocation cross slip, G. Lu, V. Bulatov, and N. Kioussis, Phil. Mag. A 83, 3539 (2003).
- Electronic structure calculations of intrinsic and extrinsic hydrogen defects in KH2PO4, C. Liu, Q. Zhang, N. Kioussis, S. Demos and H. Radousky, Phys. Rev. B 68, 224107 (2003).
- Hydrogen-induced unzipping of carbon nanotubes, H. Scudder, G. Lu, and N. Kioussis Phys. Rev. B 68, 205416 (2003).
- Multiscale Modeling of Nano- and Micro-Mechanics: An Overview, Nasr M. Ghoniem, Esteban Busso, and Nicholas Kioussis, and Hanchen Huang, Phil. Mag. A 83, 3475 (2003) (Review article).
- Influence of grain size of the extraordinary Hall effect in magnetic granular alloys, A. B. Granovsky, A.V. Kalitsov, A.B. Khanikaev, and N. Kioussis, J. Magn. & Mag. Mater. 258-259, 87 (2003).
- Electron- or Hole-Assisted Reactions of H Defects in Hydrogen-Bonded KDP, C. S. Liu, N. Kioussis, S. Demos and H. Radousky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 015505 (2003).
- New evidence of the displacive feature of the ferroelectric transition in KDP-type crystals, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 14, L1-L5 (2002).
- Topology of Electronic Charge Density and Energetics of Planar Faults in fcc Metals, N. Kioussis, M. Herbranson, E. Collins, and M. Eberhart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 125501 (2002).
- Layer intermixing during metal/metal oxide adsorption: Ti/sapphire(0001), C. Verdozzi, P. Schultz, R. Wu, A. Edwards and N. Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 66, 125408 (2002).
- Dislocation constriction and cross-slip: an ab initio study, G. Lu, V. Bulatov, and N. Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 66, 144103 (2002).
- Effect of band filling on Symmetric and Asymmetric One-Dimensional Periodic Anderson Model, Y. Luo and N. Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 65, 195115 (2002).
- Ab initio study of the electronic and structural properties of the ferroelectric transition in KH2PO4, Q. Zhang, N. Kioussis, S. Demos and H. Radousky, Phys. Rev. B 65, 024108 (2002).
- Grain boundary sliding and migration: Effect of temperature and vacancies, P. Ballo, N. Kioussis, and G. Lu, Phys. Rev. B 64, 024104 (2001).
- Dislocation Core Properties of Aluminum: A first principles study, G. Lu, N. Kioussis, V. Bulatov, and E. Kaxiras, Mater. Science and Eng. A309-310, 142 (2001).
- Phase Diagram of the one-dimensional Periodic Anderson Model, Y. Luo and N. Kioussis, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 7180 (2001).
- Ab initio studies of strongly correlated electron systems, N. Kioussis, E. Collins, and S. Lim, Physica B 296, 210 (2001).
- Interaction of vacancies with a grain boundary in aluminum, G. Lu and N. Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 64, 024101 (2001).
- Magnetic Crossover in the one-dimensional Hubbard model in the Presence of a Magnetic Field, A. Kocharian, N. Kioussis, and S.H. Park, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 13, 6759 (2001).
- Hydrogen-Enhanced Local Plasticity in Aluminum: An ab initio study, G. Lu, Q. Zhang, N. Kioussis, and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 095501 (2001).
- Development of Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: Non-Kondo mechanism for moment collapse, E. Collins, N. Kioussis, S. P. Lim, and B. R. Cooper, Phys. Rev. B 62, 11533 (2000).
- Generalized Stacking Fault Energy Surface and dislocation properties of Aluminum, G. Lu, N. Kioussis, V. Bulatov, and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. B 62, 3099 (2000).
- Tight-binding study of stacking fault energies and the Rice criterion of ductility in the fcc metals, M. Mehl, D. Papaconstantopoulos, N. Kioussis, and M. Herbranson, Phys. Rev. B 61, 4894 (2000).
- The Peierls Nabarro model revisited, G. Lu, N. Kioussis, V. Bulatov, and N. Kioussis, Phil. Mag. Lett. 80, 675 (2000).
- Competition of exchange and Crystal-Field Interactions in Cerium monopnictides and monochalcogenides, E. Collins, N. Kioussis, S. P. Lim, and B. R. Cooper, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 5143 (2000).
- Effect of Hydrogen on Grain-Boundary Embrittlement: An ab initio study, N. Kioussis, G