• stop hate together

Report An Incident

Protect yourself and others. If you witness or are subject to an act of hatred:




If you or another are in
immediate danger




To report suspicious activity
or graffiti




To report harassment
or discrimination


You may also file a CSUN Police report online.

CSUN works to combat hate on our campus. We urge you to take action and join us to Stop Hate. Together.

What is a hate crime? What is a hate incident?

Hate crimes are acts committed against groups, individuals or property motivated by actual or perceived race, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Hate crimes interfere with the civil rights of others and are criminal, prosecutable offenses.

Anyone can be a victim of a hate crime. You do not need to be a member of a group that is the target of bias.

Hate incidents are non-criminal acts of hostility against groups or individuals motivated by actual or perceived race, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation or other characteristics.

Examples Include:

  • Name calling
  • Insults
  • Distribution of hate material in public places

The U.S. Constitution allows protects these behaviors as long as they do not interfere with the civil rights of others. If a hate incident escalates to threaten a person or property, it may become a hate crime.


Why should I report a hate incident or crime?

Reporting an incident is the first step in combatting hate on our campus.

Hate crimes hurt people and communities. Victims are made to feel unsafe, unwelcome and threatened.

If you are a victim or a witness of an act of hate, reporting a crime may help prevent others from being victimized. Your report will help the police monitor and address these crimes in the community.