Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Ethiopian Jews in Israel Today
The Israeli government airlifted thousands of persecuted Jews of Ethiopia to the Jewish state in the 1980s and 1990s and welcomed them as new citizens. Today newspapers like The Jerusalem Post tell a dismaying story. Despite their many successes adjusting to Israeli life, Ethiopian Israelis are often said to suffer from high poverty, face a great degree of popular prejudice, and endure high levels of police harassment and incarceration. Don Seeman, Associate Professor in the Department of Religion and the Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory University, and author of One People, One Blood: Ethiopian-Israelis and the Return to Judaism (Rutgers University Press, 2009), will speak about the current situation, focusing on Ethiopian Israelis' perspectives on their lives in Israel.
Free lecture held during a college class meeting. RSVP and permission to attend is required. No one is allowed entry without prior permission. For your convenience, a map to the event is provided. Please call (818) 677 - 4724 or email jewish.studies@csun.edu to request a seat.