Did you know?

Here are some interesting facts about CSUN and news bytes from around the College of Humanities. 

CSUN has a new Provost! Dr. Yi Li, formerly of Wright State University, has been appointed as provost and vice president of Academic Affairs effective July 20, 2015. 

CSUN has conferred approximately 10,000 degrees annually since 2013 and has graduated over 300,000 Matadors since its founding in 1958.

Congratulations to the Class of 2015 and the Class of 3 million! This year the combined 23-campus California State University system graduated its 3 millionth alumni. According to the CSUN Alumni Association, one out of every 20 Americans with college degrees earned theirs on a CSU campus!

The College of Humanities consists of eight departments and seven interdisciplinary programs, and it houses most of the diversity and ethnic studies departments and programs on campus. 

The College has the only Central American Studies degree program in the country.

The College is home to one of the nation’s oldest and largest Chicana/o Studies departments.

The College is the new academic home for the China Institute and is expanding its Chinese language and culture program by creating a minor in China Studies and hiring a full-time faculty member to teach Chinese and Japanese.

This fall alum Cody Dietz M.A. ’15 (creative writing) will be entering the University of North Dakota’s English Ph.D. program with full funding. In 2012, an excerpt from Dietz’s poem “Fall” was featured on Dean Say’s holiday card.

This year the College has awarded close to $90,000 in scholarships and endowment funding to students in the following departments and programs: Asian American Studies, Central American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, English, Gender and Women’s Studies, Jewish Studies, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.

Religious Studies professor Rosamond Rodman received CSUN’s Polished Apple Award for excellence in teaching.

Creative writing professor Stephanie Satie received the Creative Accomplishment Award at this year’s Honored Faculty Reception.

In early June, 13 current and former staff members from the College were recognized at the 49th Annual Staff Service Awards. These awards honor the valuable support our staff provides to the College and campus—congratulations and thank you! ◊

Jerome Richfield Hall