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Page Description

The following page is a three column layout with a header that contains a quicklinks jump menu and the search CSUN function. Page sections are identified with headers. The footer contains update, contact and emergency information.


General Information


Course Description

This course is an intermediate level introduction to deductive logic and the formal languages of Sentential Logic and Predicate Logic. We will learn how to translate sentences and arguments expressed in English into these formal languages. We will develop methods for determining certain logical properties of statements, logical relations among statements, and the validity or invalidity of arguments. Strategies for constructing proofs in both Sentential Logic and Predicate Logic will be developed.

Philosophy 230 satisfies the “Critical Thinking” component of the “Basic Skills” section of the General Education Program, which recognizes critical reasoning as a fundamental competence. Courses in this part of General Education take reasoning itself as their focus. Their goals are to provide students with criteria and methods for distinguishing good reasoning from bad and to help students develop basic reasoning skills that they can apply both within a broad range of academic disciplines and outside the academic environment. Students are expected to acquire skill in recognizing the logical structure of statements and arguments, the ability to distinguish rational from non-rational means of persuasion, skill in applying the principles of sound reasoning in the construction and evaluation of arguments, and an appreciation of the value of critical reasoning skills in the pursuit of knowledge





• Howard Kahane and Paul Tidman, Logic and Philosophy, 9th ed. (special printing)

NOTE: An abbreviated special printing of the textbook, at about half the cost of the full text, is available at Matador Bookstore. Used copies of the 9th edition (full text) are available on line, but make sure the ISBN is 0-534-56172-1.

NOTE: The 10th and 11th editions of Logic and Philosophy are not recommended for this course.


Official Course Website: Web CT

The official website for students enrolled in the course is on WebCT (https://webteach.csun.edu): students should consult it regularly for updates, announcements, and changes to the syllabus or the schedule. Study aids -- including answers to selected homework exercises, classroom handouts, notes, and study guides -- will also be posted on WebCT.

Course Specifics

Student Learning Outcomes & Course Objectives

Requirements & Grading

Schedule of Assignments, Quizzes, & Exams

Policy on Missed Quizzes & Exams

Policy on Academic Honesty


Deadline for Withdrawals

The deadline for dropping a course without a petition is Friday, September 11. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the University will not permit withdrawals after Friday, September 18. For details on University policy, click here.



If you have a disability that may call for accommodation, please let me know. You must register with the CSUN Center on Disabilities, which will approve accommodations and provide you with any forms that I may need to sign. The Center on Disabilities is located in Bayramian Hall, Room 110; the phone is 677-2684.



The course specifics -- including course requirements and grading and the schedule of assignments, quizzes, and exams -- are subject to change at my discretion. All changes will be announced in class and by email. Unless due to circumstances beyond my control, changes in the schedule will be announced at least one week in advance.