Lorence G. Collins

There are 116 articles in this web site that discuss various aspects of creationists' theories concerning literal readings of the Bible or supernatural explanations, and each of these is demonstrated to have originated by natural processes or to have a modern science interpretation. Among these articles are three that present my own Christian philosophy, numbers 8, 11, and 12. Choose a link to each article.

If you are interested, the following link connects to a picture of myself and contains a short biography.

  • 1. Bogus "Noah's ark" from Turkey exposed as a common geologic structure

  • 2. Does the Bible contradict accepted biological concepts?

  • 3. Are Po halos in coalified wood evidence for the Noachian Flood?

  • 4. Polonium halos and myrmekite in pegmatite and granite

  • 5. Review of the article: "The thermal erasure of radiohalos in biotite" by Mark Armitage and Ed Back (Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 8, n. 2, 1994, pp. 212-222)

  • 6. The geology of Gentry's "TINY MYSTERY" by Richard Wakefield

  • 7. Creationist geologic time scale: An attack strategy for the sciences by Donald U. Wise

  • 8. Salt, Pepper, and Blah

  • 9. Critique of article by Mark Armitage, "The effect of thermal stress on radiohalos in biotites," American Laboratory, November, 1997, v. 29, no. 22, p. 25-33, by Kurt Hollocher

  • 10. Equal time for the origin of granite - A miracle!

  • 11. Christianity and science - are they contradictory?

  • 12. A challenge from a person holding a Th.D degree

  • 13. Time to Accumulate Chloride Ions in the World's Oceans, More Than 3.6 Billion Years: Creationism's Young Earth Not Supported

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2006, vol. 26, no. 5. Sep-Oct issue, p. 16-18; 23-24, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.

  • 14. Critical analysis of: "Catastrophic granite formation: Rapid melting of source rocks, and rapid magma intrusion" by Andrew J. Snelling

  • 15. Yes, Noah's Flood May Have Happened But Not Over the Whole Earth

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2009, vol. 29, no. 5. p. 38-41, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file. This article uses metric units (meters, kilometers). The same article without figures is article #18 but with Imperial units (feet, miles).
  • 16. The Noachian Flood: Universal or Local?

    This article was originally published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 2002, vol. 54, no. 3. September issue, p. 170-183, and is presented here by permission of Carol Hill as a PDF file.
  • 17. Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon: A Critique

    This article was originally published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 2009, vol. 61, no. 2. June issue, p. 99-115, and is presented here by permission of Carol Hill as a PDF file.
  • 18. Yes, Noah's Flood May Have Happened But Not Over the Whole Earth

    See article #15 for two figures.
  • 19. Creationism versus evolution. A personal story

    This is a lecture (1 hour and 23 minutes long) that Denis Lamoureux tells about his life voyage of being raised in a Catholic family who interpreted the Bible literally, to becoming a dentist and an atheist, to becoming an evangelical Christian and young-earth creationist completely opposed to Darwin's evolution model, and finally to an evolutionary Christian who strongly supports evolution as the way in which God did His creation. His presentation is very well done with many good illustrations about his life and with documentary evidence. He has Master's and Ph.D degrees in theology, a Ph.D degree in evolutionary biology, and a Doctor of Dentistry degree.
  • 20. Origin of Polonium Halos

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2010, vol. 30, no. 5. p. 11-16 and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 21. "Polonium Halos" Refuted. A Critique of "Radioactive Halos in a Radioactive Chronological and Cosmological Perspective" by Robert V Gentry

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2010, vol. 30, no. 5. p. 17-20, 25-26 and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 22. Humphrey's Young Earth Helium Diffusion "Dates"

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2010, vol. 30, no. 5. p. 27-32 and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 23. A supposed cast of Noah's ark in eastern Turkey

  • 24. Pleistocene Continental Glaciers: A Single Ice Age Following a Genesis Flood or Mutiple Ice Ages?

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2011, vol. 31, no. 5. p. 1-11, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 25. The Defeat of Flood Geology by Flood Geology: The ironic demonstration that there is no trace of the Genesis Flood in the geologic record.

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2011, vol. 31, no. 3. p. 1-11, and is presented here by permission of the editor and Phil Senter as a PDF file.
  • 26. More Geological Reasons Noah's Flood Did Not Happen

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2012, vol. 32, no. 6. p. 1-11, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 27. The Geologic Column and its Implications for the Flood.

    This article was originally published in TalkOrigin Archive and is presented here by permission of Glen Morton, December 22, 2012, as a PDF file. It is cited as a reference in article #26.
  • 28. Calming of the wind and waves by Jesus or the calming of frantic disciples by Jesus? (Mark4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25; Matthew 8:23-27)

  • 29. Can Flood Geology and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics explain Sedimentary Rocks?

  • 30. Reflections on a Young Earth Creationist Approach to Scientific Apologetics by Joel Duff.

  • 31. Sediment Transport and the Coconino Sandstone: A Reality Check on Flood Geology by Timothy K. Helble.

  • 32. When Was Grand Canyon Carved - Millions of Years Ago or Thousands of Years Ago? How Do We Know?

    This article was originally published in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 2015, vol. 35, n. 4, p. 2.1-2.8 and is presented here by permission of the editor.
  • 33. Noah’s Ark near Dogubyazit, Turkey?

    This article was originally published in the journal Perceptions of Science in Christian Faith, 2016, vol. 68, no. 4, p. 218-228, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 34. Have the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah been found?

  • 35. When was the Grand Canyon formed? 4360 years ago during Noah’s flood? Or during millions of years by natural geologic processes? This is a power point presentation with an accompanying explanation of 50 images which gives scientific evidence: (1) that the sedimentary rocks in the Grand Canyon were not deposited during Noah’s flood, (2) that 5 to 6 million years were required to carve the canyon, and (3) that a global flood is absolutely absurd. A local Noah’s flood in Mesopotamia in biblical times, however, is possible.
    Power Point presentation is located at
    The image description file is located at

  • 36. The Evolution of Genesis.
  • An article by Charles C. Munroe III,, offering three experiments that indicate that Noah's Flood may have been based on a real flood, but it definitely was not world-wide, and the creation story of Genesis may be a crude description of evolution. It provides the religious a means of rejecting creationism and accepting evolution.

  • 37. Is Genesis History? Analysis.
  • 38. Twenty-one reasons Noah's worldwide flood never happened
  • This article was originally published in Skeptical Inquirer, 2018, March/April, v. 42, n.2, p. 50-53 and is presented here as a pdf file with permission of the editor.
  • 39. The Flood of Noah
  • This article is authored by Charles Munroe and has been put on this website with his permission.
  • 40. Glacial tillites, geologic history, and biblical scientific accuracy

  • 41. The Six Days of Creation
  • This article is authored by Charles Munroe and has been put on this website with his permission.
  • 42. Response to Ken Ham and YouTube comments by Andrew Snelling.
  • This article was originally published in Skeptical Inquirer, 2018, July/August, v. 42, n.4, p. 56-58, and is presented here as a pdf file with permission of the editor.
  • 43. The Genesis Creation Story
  • This article is authored by Charles Munroe and has been put on this website with his permission. I do not agree with his idea that Moses received a vision from God that enabled Moses to write a scientific explanation for the creation story in Genesis, but Charles presents some hypotheses worth considering.
  • 44. The Fall of Man
  • This article is authored by Charles Munroe and has been put on this website with his permission. I do not agree with his idea that Moses received a vision from God that enabled Moses to write a scientific explanation for the "fall of man," but Charles presents some hypotheses worth considering.
  • 45. Biological Reasons Young-Earth Creationists' Worldwide Flood Never Happened.
  • This article was originally published in Skeptical Inquirer, 2018, September/October, v. 42, n.5, p. 52-57, and is presented here as a pdf file with permission of the editor.
  • 46. Good science versus bad science and the Genesis flood story

  • 47. Origin of the Coconino sandstone in the Grand Canyon

  • 48. Analysis of article "Grand Canyon Carved by Flood Runoff" by Tim Clarey

  • 49. Reply to Andrew Snelling's arguments regarding cliffs formed in the walls of the Grand Canyon

  • 50. A Brief introduction to the Architecture of Time by Leonardo's Arrow – Reconciling Science & Faith.

  • 51. A Brief Introduction to Your Architecture of Time.

  • 52. A Brief Introduction to the Architect's Signature.

  • 53. Testing and Verifying Old Age Assumptions: Lake Suigetsu, Varves, Tree Rings, and Carbon 14.
    This article was originally published in the journal Perceptions of Science in Christian Faith, 2018, vol. 70, no. 2, p. 75-89, and is presented here by permission of the editor as a PDF file.
  • 54. Stokes' Law, Burrows, and an Ordovician Ice Age ? Why Noah's Worldwide Flood Never Happened.and Why the Earth is More Than 6,000 to 10,000 Years Old.

  • 55. Can Flood Geology and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics explain Sedimentary Rocks?

  • 56. Critical analysis of article "21 Reasons to Believe the Earth is Young" by Jeff Miller.

  • 57. Understanding the natural ancient origin of oil versus a biblical Genesis Flood origin of oil.

  • 58. Understanding Evolution — Conversations Between a Scientist and a Pastor

  • 59. Critical Analysis of the book "Rethinking Radioactive Dating" by Vernon Cupps.

  • 60. Lorence G. Collins Wikipedia Excerpts

  • 61. Emperor Seamount Chain and Hawaiian Ridge – Ancient Age or 4,350 Years Old

  • 62. Origin of Horseshoe Bend, Arizona, and the Navajo and Coconino Sandstones – Flood Geology Disproved

  • 63. Discussion of the Subsurface Images Project of Noah's Ark NOAHSARKSCANS.NZ

  • 64. Fountains of the Great Deep and Noah's Flood

  • 65. New Discoveries about Stonehenge vs. Flood Geology
    This article has been authored by Stephen Mitchell and has been put on this website with his permission.
  • 66.Critical Examination of a Video: Noah's Ark

  • 67. The Navajo Sandstone in Zion National Park and the Formation of Moqui Balls – Failure of the Young-Earth Creationists' Flood Geology Model

  • 68. Llano Estacado in New Mexico and Texas vs. YEC and Flood Geology.
    This article has been authored by Stephen Mitchell and has been put on this website with his permission.

  • 69. Radiohalos – Solving the Mystery of the Missing Bullets – Origin of Po halos Revisited.

  • 70. Book: Carved in Stone - Dr. Timothy Clarey: An Old-Earth Response
    This article has been authored by Stephen Mitchell and has been put on this website with his permission.

  • 71. Genesis Unleashed
    This article has been authored by Dick Fischer and has been put on this website with his permission. It deals with anthropology and paleo-anthropology in biblical and pre-biblical times. Genesis should be considered legitimate Semitic/Jewish history describing real people and real events, but a more accurate translation into English that is faithful to the original Hebrew yet cognizant of the ancient Near East and current scientific understanding will produce updated versions of Genesis that will give future generations texts that are believable and historically astute.

  • 72. Two early basal-amniote fossil trackways in eolian dune sandstone in the Pennsylvanian Manakacha Formation in the Supai Group of the Grand Canyon and multiple reptile trackways in the Permian Hermit Shale show that these formations cannot have been deposited by Noah's flood.

  • 73. A Baker's Dozen Scientific Issues Pointing to an Old Earth
    This site has 13 places giving information about evidence for the old age of the Earth and the supposed worldwide Noah's flood. Each place has been authored by Stephen Mitchell and has been put on this website with his permission.

  • 74. A Christian Geologist Explains Why the Earth Cannot Be 6,000 Years Old.
    This article was originally published in Skeptical Inquirer, 2021, July/August, v. 45, n. 4, p.55-56, and is presented here as a pdf file with permission of the editor.

  • 75. A Christian Geologist Explains Why the Earth Cannot Be 6,000 Years Old.

  • 76. Philosophical thinking about Noah's ark and the Flood

  • 77. Decline in church membership – what is the cause?

  • 78. Critical Analysis of Video: Evolution's Achilles' Heels.

  • 79. An Alternative Explanation for the Location and Destruction of Sodom.

  • 80. Critical Analysis of Snelling's Model for the Folding and Origin of the Tapeats Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona, and Postscript

  • 81. The Bible & Ancient Science: Principles of Interpretation (2020)
    This document is an excerpt from a book by Denis Lamoureux and explains why young-Earth creationists improperly explain how plants and animals are formed by evolution in an orchard in their literal interpretation of Genesis 1 in article Nr78 instead of in a branching tree.

  • 82. Tidal Clocks and Flood Geology

  • 83. Is Jebel-al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia the real Mount Sinai of the Bible? And is this where Moses found water with his rod?

  • 84. Earth's history compressed into one year.

  • 85. Making scientific sense in today's world.

  • 86. Fossilization, Evolution, and Intelligent Design.

  • 87. Church Attendance, the Three-tier Universe, Scientific Concordism, and Accommodation by the Holy Spirit.

  • 88. Baumgardner’s Tsunami and Rapid Plate Tectonics Model.

  • 89. The Whale Fossil in Diatomite, Lompoc, California, Fossils in Chalk, and Varved Sediments - Not Evidence for Catastrophic Deposition.

  • 90. Chalk challenges deep-time dogma - errors in such a model.

  • 91. Eolian or Water Deposition of the Coconino Sandstone.

  • 92. Truth Matters! Think Hebrew!

  • 93. Grand Apologetics - Errors in Science and Christian Guidance

  • 94. Understanding Noah's Flood Story.

  • 95. Understanding Inerrancy in the Bible and Science Not in the Bible.

  • 96. Reasoning about Evolution of Life and Genesis 1 as Poetry.

  • 97. Refutation of Science in a Book by Dan Nordquist "The Little Book of Prophecy and Truth"

  • 98. Critical Evaluation of Movie "Genesis Impact"

  • 99. Why Noah's Flood Could Never Have Been Global and Deposited the Sedimentary Rocks in the Grand Canyon

  • 100. Arguments for a local Noah's flood; the Bible is NOT a Modern Science Textbook.

  • 101. Is There Something Fishy About Radiocarbon Dating?
    This article is by Paul Braterman that was posted on 3 Quarks Daily Science on May 8, 2023, and has been put on this website with his permission.
  • 102. Position Statement: Science, Bible, Noah's Flood, and Evolution

  • 103. Noah's flood: Is the source of its water from the waters above?

  • 104. Communication with a young-Earth creationist

  • 105. Noah Revised
    This article has been authored by Charles Munroe III and has been put here with his permission.
  • 106. Refutation of article by David F. Coppedge on the website Creation/Evolution Headlines - "Assumptions Distort Geological Dating" - on July 17, 2023.

  • 107. Refutation of video "The Evidence for Noah's flood" by Daniel Biddle

  • 108. Novarupta movie critique

  • 109. Christianity and science deniers

  • 110. Christian - Why do you believe in lies?

  • 111. Earth-Moon Recission Rate System

  • 112. Consequences of Earth-Moon System Relationships.

  • 113. The Creation Story Revised.
    This article is contributed by Charles Munroe III. I do not endorse its contents because it makes the Bible a science textbook, and in my opinion, the Bible was written in a time and culture to make the Bible a source of good theology and not science. I am merely putting it on my website for comments by the readers.

  • 114. Fischer hooks himself on disproved notions and logical fallacies in his attacks on science and evolution.

  • 115. Response to Don Batten' supposed 40 failed evolutionary predictions.

  • 116. Geologic consequences of a global Archean ocean - the Big Hurricanes Theory.

  • 117. Beliefs of young-Earth creationists versus beliefs of old-Earth creationists.

  • 118. Critique of video: "Defending the truth of biblical creation" presented by Dr. Grady S. McMurtry.

  • 119. Miracles?

  • 120. Critique of "The Role of Large Tsunamis in the Formation of the Flood Sediment Record" by John Baumgardner and Evan Novarro and the Clarey/Werner megasequences.

  • 121. Further Consequences of the Big Hurricanes Theory.

  • 122. Resources for articles in opposition to the views of young-Earth creationists.

  • 123. Microfossil Record - Global changes in microfossils point to deposition over deep time.
    Authored by Steve Mitchell

  • 124. Critique of article: "A Scientific Paradigm for the Genesis Flood" by Ted and Kenneth Noel.

  • 125. Critique of Hydroplate Theory by Walt Brown.

  • 126. God does not lie - versus - Science does not lie.

  • 127. Reading the Bible with Wisdom.

  • 128. Critique of podcast: 'The Bible explains the Ice Age' by Tasman Walker.

  • 129. Critique of the movie "The Ark in the Darkness" created by Genesis Apologetics.

  • 130. The Big Hurricanes Theory, the Great Unconformity, and a Supposed Worldwide Flood.

  • 131. Science and Bible Translations.

  • For a link to a website that includes articles that are pro-evolution but give both sides to the creation-evolution viewpoints, see: Senior seminar

    For a link to a website that expresses a view of a Christian that opposes creationism, see: His section on "My story" is particularly interesting.

    For a link to a website authored by a person who was a believer, became an atheist, but changed his mind and decided that there is a Creator, see: He offers some challenging thoughts to both the Christian and the atheist. His essay "Apology" is especially meaningful.

    For a link to Benjamin Tepolt's website critique of the comic book "Big Daddy?" coauthored by Jack Chick and Kent Hovind, see:

    For a link to debate over the evolution versus intelligent design models, see:

    For more information contact Lorence Collins at:
    Dr. Lorence G. Collins
    Department of Geological Sciences
    California State University Northridge
    18111 Nordhoff Street
    Northridge, CA  91330-8266
    FAX 818-677-2820