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There is quite a bit of information cited here for and about my courses, including buying books; suggestions for completing reading assignments and writing papers; and maintaining academic honesty. I am committed to helping all students, particularly freshmen “survive” my classes, if they are willing to put in the effort.

Buying Books

To subvert the system and save yourself some money, you may want to consider buying used copies of the books. You are likely to find used or discounted copies at the following web sites:



Barnes & Noble




If you happen to find a used copy of the previous edition of a textbook at a significantly lower price (as is often the case), you should buy it—the differences from one edition to the next do not justify the difference in price.

If you know of other websites to recommend for purchasing books at discounted prices, please let Dr. Devine know.

Completing Reading Assignments

There’s no getting around it—history classes require extensive reading. To succeed in a history course, you will need to complete the reading, but you also will need to have given it some thought. Here are some suggestions for getting the most out of the reading assignments: margins.

  • Read with a pencil in hand and take notes in the margins.
  • Record terms that are unfamiliar to you or that you don’t understand, points that you find interesting or surprising, arguments with which you strongly agree or disagree or ideas that connect to things discussed in previous classes. 
  • Read smart—don’t read every single word of the first four chapters and nothing thereafter because you ran out of time. If you catch the argument the author is making, don’t sweat all of the details or supporting examples; skim over them and get on to the next major point. It is more important to have gotten the gist of an entire book than to master every aspect of the first one-third of it.

Writing Papers

I believe in rewarding improvement. If you perform poorly on the first essay but your written work gets better throughout the semester, I will take this into account when determining your final grade. Likewise, if you start out well but then slack off significantly as the semester continues, this will also be taken into account.


Though I will make grammar and spelling corrections on your papers, you are not being graded on grammar and spelling per se. A poorly written paper, however, usually fails to convey ideas effectively, so in this sense good writing does matter. There is no way of separating “the writing” from “the ideas.” Keep your graded papers and refer back to my corrections so you do not make the same mistakes again. My goal is to ensure that you leave the class a better writer than when you entered. You should make this your goal as well.

Emailing Papers
You may email your paper to me as an attachment. In fact, this is the recommended method as it is the best way to ensure that your paper does not get lost.  When emailing, send a copy to yourself. If you receive the email, it’s likely I did as well. Though I will send you a confirmation email when I receive your paper, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY (and not the email server’s) that I get it. 

Getting Help
If you are having difficulty with the written assignments, please ask me or my Teaching Assistant for help. I have extensive experience in teaching writing skills and I am willing to work with you on an individual basis to improve your essays. I will read and edit drafts if I receive them with enough lead time before the assignment is due.

If you do not have much experience writing papers, you should make use of the History Department Writing Center, which is in Sierra Tower 634. You can make an appointment with a writing tutor by calling 677-3566.

Academic Honesty

  • Do not lie to me about why you missed class or failed to turn in an assignment. It is unnecessary and it insults my intelligence.
  • Do not cheat on quizzes or tests. You will be caught and you will receive an automatic zero for the assignment.
  • Do not plagiarize from written sources or from the web. All words that are not your own must be in quotation marks and cited. Since plagiarism is always obvious and easily caught, it is better to hand in your own work and get a C- than someone else’s and get an F. Any and all plagiarized assignments will receive a grade of zero and put you in jeopardy of failing the course. If you are unsure what plagiarism is, please consult with me or the teaching assistant before handing in an assignment.
  • If you do cheat or plagiarize, I will track you down and make your life miserable. (References available upon request.)


I appreciate that many CSUN students are stretching themselves quite thin, often working full time while taking a full load of classes. If you are feeling overwhelmed, find yourself falling behind or are having any problems outside of class that are adversely affecting your performance in class, be sure to let me know as soon as possible. Do not wait until the end of the semester when it will be too late. Do not assume I will allow you to withdraw from class late in the semester simply because you are doing poorly.

Attention Freshmen

Contrary to what you may have heard about professors in large state universities, I go out of my way to be available for students on a one-on-one basis, so if you need advice or help, even if your problem is not directly related to the course, do not hesitate to email me or set up an appointment. Students who make the effort to get to know their professors end up getting far more from their college education.






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