The CyberCourse (SPRING 2001)

Greek and Roman Mythology

THIS IS A 'FOOTNOTE 95' COURSE: "This course will be conducted in a combination of classroom and electronic on-line settings. Students should consult the Department for further information." This is NOT an "on-line" or "distance-learning" course; you must attend regular lectures.

To be in this section (8:00 a.m. MWF), the student should have some knowledge of Netscape, the World Wide Web, and E-mail. Consult with the Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, ST 405, 677-3467, or with the Instructor, ST 435, before registering. Otherwise, register for one of the other sections of CLAS 315.

For additional information you may also e-mail the Instructor, Prof. J. P. Adams.

Course Requirements and Rules

Book List for this Semester

Suggested Readings

Handouts and Notes for Lectures

Weekly Internet Assignments


NOTE: The above course materials are valid only for Prof. Adams' cyber-section of CLAS 315 (The 8:00 a.m. section). For Prof. Adams' other section(s), you should use the information at: CLAS 315. If you want to find out about other professors' sections, you must consult them personally.

Return to Prof. Adams' Home Page .

Visit the Art and Archaeology Page,
for links to ancient places and art objects.

September 17, 2001