TUC Sponsored Programs

Update on CSU Travel Restrictions / AB 1887

September 19, 2017

Dear Principal Investigators & Research Administrators,

 Attached, please find the latest memo from the Chancellor’s Office, regarding travel restrictions under California Assembly Bill AB1887. 

Dear Principal Investigators & Research Administrators,

Attached, please find the latest memo from the Chancellor’s Office, regarding travel restrictions under California Assembly Bill AB1887.  The memo provides some additional clarity regarding this subject. In summary:

1. Currently Restricted States:

Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas.

2. Type of Expenses:

Restrictions apply to travel expenses only. All other types of expenses, such as salaries, material costs, service contracts, etc. are not affected.

3. Non-Allowable Source of Funds

State-funds, monies that are appropriated by the state legislature, either as part of the budget process or continuously appropriated (e.g. tuition and fees) may not be used.

4. Exceptions to 3. Non-Allowable Source of Funds

To participate in meetings or training required by grants, or to meet contractual obligations incurred before January 1, 2017. Such contractual obligations may, depending on the circumstances, include contracts entered into prior to January 1, 2017.

5. Allowable Source of Funds

Funds from a grant and/or contract garnered from sources other than the State of California; Monies received by a campus auxiliary organization; Private funds.

6. Prior Approval for All Travel to Restricted States

CSUN is fully commitment to the principles underlying the travel ban. Hence, travel funded from allowable sources should only be conducted when deemed absolutely essential, but not as a matter of course. ALL travel to a restricted state, independent of the funding source, requires prior written approval by the Provost (VP Finance & Administration?) (http://www.csun.edu/sites/default/files/travel-ab1887-approval.pdf ).

7. Internal Controls

CSUN Financial Services and TUC Financial Services will ensure that no expenses for travel to the restricted states are reimbursed without the written approval by the Provost (VP Finance & Administration?)

Please note that this situation is evolving quite rapidly.  If there are changes to the ban, such as an expanded list of states or increased restriction on the use of funds, we will communicate with you as soon as we can. 

Thank you for your patience.



Georg Jahn

Director, Sponsored Programs & Strategic Planning