
  • CSUN History Department

Erik Goldner

Erik Goldner
Full-Time Faculty
(818) 677-3558
Office location:
Sierra Tower 608



Ph.D. Early Modern European History, Columbia University, 2008
M.A. Early Modern European History, Columbia University, 1999
B.A. Political Xcience, Swarthmore College, 1992

Courses Taught

HIST 111. World History since 1500
HIST 340. Europe and the Early Modern World
HIST 341. Modern Europe since 1815
HIST 445. Absolutism and Revolution
HIST 456. Modern France
HIST 498. Freedom: The History of an Idea
HIST 498. Utopia: Visions of Ideal Community in European History
HIST 498. Enlightenment Encounters
HIST 541/596EG. Enlightenment and Revolution
HIST 596F. The French Revolution
HIST 694. Teaching Practicum

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • “Corruption on Trial: Money, Power, and Punishment in France’s Chambre de Justice of 1716.” Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies 17, no. 1 (2013) (forthcoming).
  • “Public Thieves: French Financiers, Corruption, and the Public in the Chamber of Justice of 1716–17.” PhD diss., Columbia University, 2008.

Research and Interests

Erik Goldner is interested in the ways in which money, power, and war interacted in early modern France, and his scholarship focuses on the politics and culture of corruption in the age of Louis XIV. He is currently at work on several articles as well as a book manuscript entitled The Shadow of the Sun King: Corruption in the Finances of Louis XIV. In the future, he plans to explore the intersection of imperialism and the natural environment in the early modern French Americas. At CSUN, Dr. Goldner has taught courses in early modern and modern European history as well as modern world history. His non-academic interests include gardening with native California plants and hiking.