Classical Greek and Roman Civilization Program

Learning Outcomes

The minor is interdisciplinary and is designed to offer the student a well rounded introduction to the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome.

The Classical Greek and Roman Civilization Interdisciplinary Minor Program is a multiple disciplinary and multicultural program which seeks to provide each student with a firm grounding in the basic principles and themes that underlie a complex, composite civiliza­tion which embodied features drawn from a considerable number of other ancient civilizations (Egyptian, Semitic, Thracian, etc.) and which transmitted its ideas and perspectives to many European and Mediterranean cultures over a period of more than 1500 years, and, through them, to the Modern World.

The Program is designed to ensure that the student will engage in broad study in a variety of fields, drawn from courses in three Colleges in the University (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communication): Classics (Greek and Roman literature, including genre studies in epic and drama); Ancient History (including study in both the Greek and the Roman world); and Ancient Art and Architecture (including study in Greek and Roman art) Philosophy.

The Program is designed to provide depth in the student’s course of study by requiring a trio of general, lower-division courses (9 units), as well as a selection of more specialized upper-division courses (18 units), for a total of 27 units in the Minor.