Spring 2010 (Ticket #: 12973 )

Instructor: Dr. Yüe "Jeff" Zhang Class meeting day/time: R 7-945 PM
Office: JH 3219; Phone: 677-6050 Classroom: JH 2212
Office Hours:  TR 4-445 PM; W 945-1030 PM; R 945-1015 PM;
& by appointment
E-mail: jeff DOT zhang AT csun DOT edu


Course Description Course Materials Software Requirements
Policies Evaluation Additional Information
Tentative Schedule    


This course aims at providing our students basic knowledge and skills to understand threats to computer network security, and to apply network security solutions to meet the increasing needs of businesses and organizations in information assurance/security.

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE : IS 497C assumes strong background in IS 435. Therefore, students are strongly advised to review main contents of IS 435 by themselves during the course of IS 497C.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be aware of security issues related to computer networks, have an in-depth understanding of protocols that are critical in attack-defense mechanisms, and understand attack mechanisms and defense mechanisms.

Topics covered in this course include:

Network security overview
Threats to network security
Access control
Host and data security
Incidents and disaster response
Other security management-related topics

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* Textbook:

Required: Raymond R. Panko, Corporate Computer and Network Security, 2/e, Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-185475-8, ISBN-10: 0-13-185475-5

Reference: Neal Krawetz, Introduction to Network Security, Charles River Media, 2007. ISBN: 1-58450-464-1

* CSUN email account: Communications with the instructor must be conducted from the student's CSUN account. Emails sent from accounts on other ISPs will NOT be replied after the end of the second week of the semester. You can conveniently access your CSUN email account through CSUN Webmail (

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0. Course Requirements 
0.1 General requirements
(1) Attend all classes on time. 
(2) Submit all assignments/projects on time. 
(3) Take all the exams on their scheduled date and time. 
(4) Contribute one's fair share in team projects. 
0.2 Specific requirements
(1) Read assigned work in textbook, slides/handouts, and other assigned materials prior to attending each class. 
(2) Before each class session, go to the instructor's Web site and download the materials (slides, handouts, announcements, etc) for that session. Bring the printouts with you to class.
(3) Always bring your textbook with you to class. We will be referring to it on a regular basis, so you need to keep it handy.
(4) Turn off your cell phones, pagers, etc. during class time. You will receive a warning for the first offense, and a 5-credit-point reduction for each subsequent offense.

1. Attendance 
1.1 Students MUST try their best to attend every class on time. Attendance will be randomly taken at the beginning of some classes. Attendance/participation points will be given to those who attend classes on time. Total attrendance/participation points will be 40
1.2 It is the responsibility of the student (should s/he miss a class) to contact the instructor or classmates to obtain the assignments, handouts, announcements, and other items that may have been given/assigned in the missed class. 

2. Exam 
Two midterm exams (100 points each)  and one final exam (120 points) will be given on the dates/times indicated in this syllabus. 
final exam will have comprehensive components.
2.2 Exam study guide: will be posted before each of the three exams; indicates the scope of the exam.
2.3 NO MAKE-UP EXAM. A student who must miss one midterm exam will have his/her final exam percentage applied to the missed midterm exam (see "2.4" below for details). A second missed midterm will receive a zero credit.
2.4 Using final exam percentage for midterm is NOT automatic: a student who must miss one midterm exam must contact the instructor
more than 24 hours in advance  in order to have his/her final exam percentage applied to the missed midterm exam. Failure to do so will result in a zero score for the missed exam. 

3. Projects and Assignments
3.1 One paper (individual; 40 points), one group report and presentation (60 points).
3.2 Assignments and attendance (80 points total).
3.3 For the group report, students are required to form in groups of four for the report and presentation. 
3.4 All individual homework and projects must be completed INDEPENDENTLY.

4. Late Submission
4.1 Projects/assignments are due at the BEGINNING of the class on the due date.
4.2 Late submissions of 1-6 days late (calendar days) will be subjected to a 30% credit point deduction. A submission of 7 days late will be rejected
4.3 Late policies are strictly enforced. Therefore, please
do not email/call to ask for an extension of the due date of assignment/project.
4.4 Email submission will
not be accepted.
4.5 Staying away from a class to finish due assignments is prohibited.
Any assignment submitted 20 minutes after the beginning of the class is considered "next day".

5. Retention of Submitted Materials

5.1 All submitted materials become properties of the instructor.
5.2 The instructor will try his best to give the students prompt feedback.
5.3 Project/assignment submissions will be kept for one week after the grades are made known to the students.
5.4 Exams will be kept one year.
5.5 Any dispute on grades must be brought up within one week after the grades are made known to the class. After that, it will be assumed that there is no disagreement on the said grade.

6. Academic Dishonesty

***COBAE Student Core Values Statement and Ethical Conduct Pledge***

Academic dishonesty of any form will NOT be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes: 

A. Cheating:
1) Use references in a close-book, close-note exam, or use unauthorized materials or aids in a take-home or open-book exam;
2) Represent the work of others as their own (such as copy other students' work, including taking a formula created by another student);
3) Submit the same academic work (or a substantial portion of it) for credit in more than one course without authorization.
B. Fabrication: Attempt to alter and resubmit returned academic work with intend to defraud the faculty member.
C. Facilitating academic dishonesty: intentionally or knowingly help or attempt to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty - providing answers/formulas/solutions to another student for an independent homework/assignment falls in this category.
D. Plagiarism: copy materials from a textbook or from materials taken directly from a website without proper citation.

An act of academic dishonesty will automatically lead to zero credit for the exam or project/assignment where the act happens, and may lead to a grade of "F" for the course for the student(s) involved. The instructor may take additional action in accordance with the CSUN policies. See CSUN Catalog 2002-2004, PP. 523-525 for further information on the policies and procedures concerning plagiarism and cheating. 

[My recent record of catching cheating behaviors]

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(1) Total possible points: 

Midterm Exams: 2 X 100 200
Final Exam (with comprehensive components) 120
Assignments and attendance 80
Team Report 60
Individual Paper 40
Total: 500

(2) Grade scales: 

Letter Grade Points Percentage Range
A 450-500 90-100%
B 400-449 80-89.9%
C 350-399 70-79.9%
D 300-349 60-69.9%
F <300 Below 60%

NO curve on individual exams. At the end of the semester, *IF* the class GPA is lower than 2.5, a curve will be applied . 

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1. JH 2212 is the designated lab for IS majors. More information about the lab will be provided later.
2. For general use (including writing reports):
Computers are available for use in the College of Business' Microcomputer Lab (JH2129 / JH2125).  COBAE Computer Lab Web Site 
The computer labs in the Oviatt Library and Sierra Hall are available for you to use. These labs are open longer hours and on the weekends. Follow this link to find the days and hours:  Other Campus Computer Labs


Qualified students with physical or documented learning disabilities have the right to free accommodation to ensure equal access to educational opportunities. The student, if seeking special accommodations, must notify the Student with Disabilities Resources  (110 Student Services Building) and the instructor by the end of the second week of the semester.

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TRULY TENTATIVE SCHEDULE - exam dates will be finalized in Week 2
(Will be updated at least once a week)


Class Contents

Before Class


After Class
1: 1/21 Ch1- Threat environment Read Ch1 Read chap &  slides before class ... ==> - do the same throughout semester
2: 1/28 Ch3 - Elements of cryptography      
3: 2/4 Ch4 - Cryptography system standards   Team report assigned  
4: 2/11 Furlough day, no class, no office hours      
5: 2/18 Ch5 - Access control (2/17 is also furlough day - no office hours) Exam1 study guide First team to present: Team #7  
6: 2/25 Exam 1 (chaps 1,3,4)      
7: 3/4 Ch 5 (cont), Ch6 - Firewalls (Part 1)   Team #7 presentation;
Individual term project ; ==> APA style
APA style
Some suggested sources
8: 3/11 Ch 6 (Part 2) ; report to be presented tonight (from Team #1)   Team #1 presentation;  
9: 3/18 Ch7 - Host and data security; report to be presented tonight (from Team #2)   Team #2 presentation  
10: 3/25 Furlough day, no class, no office hours      
11: 4/1 Ch 7 (cont), Ch 8 - Application security      
12: 4/8 Spring Break No Class Have a fun and safe break!  
13: 4/15 Exam 2 (chaps 5,6,7) - study guide posted 4/6      
14: 4/22 Ch 8 (cont); Ch 2 - Planning      
15: 4/29 Ch 2 (cont)   Individual term paper due (Note: try to finish earlier)  
16: 5/6 Ch 9 - Incident and disaster response


17: 5/13

Final exam is 8-10 (chaps 2,8,9, plus selected chaps from Part I and Part II)

Study guide posted (Chaps 2, 8, 9 only)    

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The Instructor's Motto

C onsistent 
O rganized 
K nowledgeable 
E nthusiastic

Self portrait:
A nice person of
Respects the students while be honest with them on their weaknesses – to help them grow
- Always says “Yes” when he can, but never hesitates to say “No” when he must

Favorite Quotations: 

* By Nature all men are alike, but by education become different -- Anonymous
学如逆水行舟,不进则退。Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop behind -- Chinese Proverb
知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。He who has a knowledge in a matter is not as good as he who is interested in it; he who is interested in it is not as good as he who enjoys doing it -- Confucius (Chinese philosopher and educator, 551 B.C. - 479 B.C.)
* The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose. -- Stephen R. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
We must do what America does best, offer more opportunity to all and
demand more responsibility from all. - Inaugural Address of United States President William J. Clinton, January 20, 1993
* (Last, but not the least)
Eureka! - California State Motto

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Last update: 05/06/2009

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