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Advanced Inquiry in Research & Analysis Methods and Seminar - Grounded Theory

Contact Information

Instructional Materials

  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2008) The landscape of qualitative research (3rd Ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of qualitative research; techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

These texts are required for all students.

The main online component of this course is a wiki site operated through pbworks.com http://psy485gts11.pbworks.com/. You may request access through the site and the instructor will then grant access

There is a moodle site for this course, available via http://moodle.csun.edu/ You will be automatically enrolled in the moodle site which will be where you can see your grades.

Important Notices

This is a course designed for students intending to go on to graduate school in research degrees. It moves very quickly and involves reading complex material.


Class Accommodations

If you seek any arrangements for special needs or disability, please let me know as soon as possible and contact The Center on Disabilities in 110 Bayramian Hall (677-2684).

  1. Center On Disabilities
  2. National Center On Deafness

Course Information Overview

Course Description

Course Catalog Entry

PSY 485AA-ZZ/S. Advanced Inquiry in Research & Analysis Methods and Seminar (3/2)

This capstone course provides advanced study of areas of current interest in sub-areas of research methods in psychology. Topics within sub-areas listed below may change each semester. Seminar: Includes student presentation of written and oral reports based on relevant topics from current literature, and intensive student-led discussions of selected research and application of theories. Students will demonstrate knowledge of statistics and research methods obtained in prerequisite courses. Letters indicate sub-areas within psychology; each may be taken one time for credit: (AD) Archival Data, (CS) Case Study, (DA) Discourse Analysis, (ET) Ethnography, (GT) Grounded Theory, (NA) Narrative Analysis, (PA) Participatory Action Research, (QL) Qualitative Methods; (QT) Quantitative Methods; (SD) Survey Data. Satisfies the capstone requirement for psychology majors. Available for graduate credit with consent of student’s graduate advisor. Three hours lecture, two hours seminar.

Course Prerequisites

Prerequisite Alert

Prerequisites: PSY 301, PSY 320/L, PSY 321/L, and a score of 8 or better on the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam. Corequisite: Corresponding PSY 485AA-ZZ seminar.

Student Learning Objectives


Grading Breakdown
Class participation (attendance, participation)
Exams (2 x 50 points each)
Seminar discussion
Formal presentation
Formal paper
Bi-weekly lab work (5 x 20 points each)
Total points

Note that the seminar/lab grades will be awarded as one grade given for two separate course numbers because the work is integrated together.

Course Schedule

A full listing of the course schedule, activities, and assignments, and policies is provided in the course syllabus via moodle.