Negotiation Simulation & Report Assignment for Mgt.456
Rex C. Mitchell, Ph.D.

We will devote several class meetings to a negotiation simulation, in which pairs of teams will be negotiating an agreement on a situation provided by the instructor. Each pair of teams will be negotiating with each other and totally independent of the other pairs of teams.

It is very important that you not discuss the negotiations in any way with anyone in either class outside your team, other than during actual negotiation sessions or our class discussions!!

The grading of the simulation performance (see syllabus for percentage of course grade) will be based on the instructor's evaluation of the team's performance, adjusted if appropriate for individual performance within the team (based on the instructor's observations plus confidential assessments of relative contribution to the team effort by each of the team members, made by each team member at the end of the simulation). The criteria for evaluating the team's performance are:

  1. How well the final agreement satisfies the interests of the team
  2. How well the final agreement satisfies the interests of the pair of teams (which involves creativity in developing integrative alternatives, plus forging a final agreement that both teams would be willing to live by)
  3. Effectiveness of the team's process, including prenegotiation preparation, communications and actions during negotiating sessions with the other team, preparation and planning within the team during the progress of the negotiations, and dealing with problems and difficulties during the negotiations
  4. Creativity in alternatives, tactics, and the process

In addition to the simulation, each student will write an individual report (see syllabus for percentage of course grade) that applies key concepts of conflict management and negotiation to analyze and develop learnings from the negotiation experience. Your report should address at least the following topics:

  1. Discussion of the major goals and interests of each side, including how these were revealed or identified during the negotiations, and how they changed (if so) during the negotiation process
  2. Analysis of the major positions taken by each side, including how the positions related to interests, and how the positions affected the negotiation process
  3. Identification and evaluation of the major strategies and tactics used by each side, including how these affected the negotiation process and how they may have been helpful or harmful in furthering the interests of the side using them
  4. Discussion of any ethical violations or problems you think occurred during the negotiations
  5. What your team did that was especially helpful (and should do again, if it could restart the negotiation "from the top")
  6. What your team could do differently or improve on if it could restart again "from the top"
  7. What did you learn from this experience? (You may have covered most of this already, and might just summarize here.)
  8. How could we improve this type of simulated negotiation for the next class?

You can organize your report in a variety of ways, including having separate subsections for each of the topics above, or grouping several of the topics together in a section. Choose a format that lets you present your analysis and conclusions clearly.

It is OK for you to discuss these topics with others in your team or the class, but you then must go off and write an individual report. There is no restriction on minimum or maximum length. It must be in some kind of typed form. Don't bother with report covers, just include your name, team number, and the class time at the first. If you want me to mail back your graded report, include a stamped, addressed envelope.

The grading criteria for the reports are:

  1. Scope of analysis, including the eight topics listed above
  2. Depth of reflection, analysis, and conclusions - including the extent to which you added value, beyond merely a description of what happened, to develop insights and conclusions
  3. Appropriate use of conflict management and negotiation concepts from the materials we have read and considered during the course
  4. The report itself - which should communicate clearly; be organized well with appropriate headings; and be written, edited, and proof-read well (don't bother with fancy production features)

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Last modified June 27, 2011 Copyright 1987-2011 Rex Mitchell