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Contact Information

Cindy Sterncindy.stern@csun.edu


Sierra Tower 508

Office hours: M W 7:00 - 7:45 AM and noon - 12:45 PM,; additional times by appointment

Department of Philosophy


Sierra Tower 522 & 524


Fall 2011 Courses

PHIL 100 General Logic M W 8:00 - 9:40 AM SH 190 13224
PHIL 100 General Logic M W 10:00 - 11:40 AM JD 1553 13225
PHIL 352 Metaphysics (with Professor Yagisawa) M W 2:00 - 3:40 PM SH 190 17308


Other courses taught at CSUN

PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophical Thought
PHIL 202 Modern Philosophy
PHIL 230 Introduction to Formal Logic
PHIL 310 Philosophical Problems
PHIL 330 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 331 Intermediate Logic
PHIL 350 Epistemology and Metaphysics
PHIL 355 Mind and Reality
PHIL 402 Advanced Modern Philosophy
PHIL 431 Philosophical Topics in Logic
PHIL 445 Philosophy of Language
PHIL 450 Advanced Epistemology and Metaphysics
PHIL 455 Advanced Topics in Mind and Reality



B.A., Philosophy, College of William and Mary, 1974
M.L.S., Syracuse University, 1975
Ph.D, Philosophy, Syracuse University, 1980




metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, Hume's metaphpysics and epistemology


"The Temporal Priority of Causes: Full Explanation or Full Circle?" Analysis, 53 (1993) 147-154.

"Semantic Emphasis in Causal Sentences," Synthese, 95 (1993), 379-418.

"Discussion: On Justification Conditional Models of Linguistic Competence," Mind , 99 (1990), 441-445.

"Paraphrase and Parsimony," Metaphilosophy, 20 (1989), 34-42.

"The Prospects for Elimination of Event-Talk," Philosophical Studies, 54 (1988), 43-62.

"Hume and the Self at a Moment," History of Philosophy Quarterly, 4 (1987), 217-233.

"Logical Features of Reference to Facts in Causal Statements," Philosophical Studies, 41 (1982), 197-211.

"Lewis' Counterfactual Analysis of Causation," Synthese, 48 (1981), 333-345.

"Natural Kind Terms and Standards of Membership," with Thomas McKay, Linguistics and Philosophy, 3 (1979), 27-34.

"The Alleged Extensionality of 'Causal Explanatory Contexts'," Philosophy of Science, 45 (1978), 614-625.


Causation, Necessity, and the Logic of Causal Statements