Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker IIIB #323a


F 1


Areopagos: a court at Athens . . . . it is called Areopagos for the following reasons, either because it is on a crag (pagos) and in an elevated place (en hypsei) and "of Ares" because there it judges cases of homicide (ta phonika) and Ares presides over killing; or because in that place Ares set fast his spear in the trial against Poseidon over the death of Halirrhothios, whom Ares had killed because he had offered violence toward Alcippe, the daughter of [Ares] and Agraulos, Kekrops' daughter. Hellanikos relates this in Book I.

F 2


Panathenaia: Demosthenes in the Philippics [4. 35]: a twofold Panathenaia is held at Athens, one each and every year, and another in every fifth year, which are also called "the Great [Panathenaia]". Isocrates in the Panathenaic Oration [12, 17]: Erichthonios the son of Poseidon was the first to celebrate the festival, as Hellanikos remarks, and Androtion as well [Androtion, FGrH #324 F2], each of them in Book I of his Atthis. Before this time it was called the Athenaia, as Ister has made clear in Book III of his Attika [Ister, FGrH #334 F4.].

F 3


Phorbanteion: Hyperides in the Oration against Patrokles: the Phorbanteion at Athens was named from Phorbas, the king of the Kouretes, who was killed by Erechtheus; Andron has explained this in Book VIII of his Syngeneis [Andron, FGrH #10 F1.]. Phorbas was the son of Poseidon, according to what Hellanikos says in Book I of his Atthis.

F 4

FHG F101

Haemon: the mountain, neuter gender: Hekataios throughout [Hekataios FGrH #1 F167], and Dionysios [Dionysios, FGrH #687 F3], and Hellanikos in Book I of his Atthis, and Timaios [Timaios, FGrH #566 F76], and Eudoxus [p. 75 Gis.].

F 5


Mounychia: Demosthenes, in the Oration for Ctesiphon [18. 107]: a place along the seashore in Attica. Hellanikos, in Book II of his Atthis, says that it was named after a certain King Mounychos, son of Pantakles. Scholia on Demosthenes: Mounychia is a place round about the Peiraeus, where the sanctuary of Mounychia the daughter of Artemis is . . . . It is called Mounychia, as Diodoros [Diodoros FGrH #372 F 39] says, departing from the explanations of Hellanikos, because the Thracians on one occasion when they campaigned against the people inhabiting Minyan Orchomenos (the one in Boeotia), expelled them from the area; the refugees came to Athens in the reign of King Mounychos, and he turned over to them that place, Mounychia, to live in, and it was thus named by them in honor of the King.

F 6


Alope: Lykourgos in the speech peri tes hiereias [F 33 Blass] the daughter of Kerkyon, whose son by Poseidon is Hippothoon, the eponym of the Hippothontis, as Hellanikos says in Book II of his Atthis, and Euripides in his play of that name, and Deioarchos in the lawsuit with the Phalerians.

F 7


Pegai: Andokides, in the speech On the Peace [3 .3], if it is genuine: Pegai is a place in the territory of Megara, as Hellanikos says in the second (or fourth?) book of his Atthis.

F 8


Hierophantes: Hyperides says somewhere, "I am married to the daughter neither of a Torchbearer nor a Hierophant." Deinarchos, in the lawsuit with the Krokonidoi, says that the first hierophant was so called because he revealed the sacred affairs as he arrived back from a war. On the subject of the genos of Hierophantes, Hellanikos has written in Book II of his Atthis.

F 9


Stephanephoros: Antiphon, in the oration Against Nikokles: there was, it would seem, in Athens, a hero-shrine of Stephanephoros; Stephanephoros would apparently be one of those sons of Herakles who were born of the daughters of Thestios, of whom Hellanikos makes mention in the second book of the Phoronis; alternatively, there never was a sanctuary of the Attic Stephanephoros, as the same Hellanikos has likewise said in Book II of his Atthis.

F 10

FHG F62 & 156

For the period before the [Olympiadic reckoning], the Attic chronographical calculation is evidently from Ogyges (who is believed by them to have been autochthonous, in whose reign took place the great and first inundation in Attica, when Phoroneus was king of the Argives, as Akousilaos [Akousilaos FGrH #2 F23] tells) even up to the First Olympiad . . . one thousand and twenty years is covered . . . . Such things those who relate the affairs of the Athenians [tell]: Hellanikos as well as Philochoros [Philochoros FGrH #328 F92], who wrote Atthides, and Kastor who wrote on Syrian affairs [Kastor, FGrH #250 F7], and Thallos [Thallos, FGrH #256 F4], and the universal historian Diodoros whose work is the Bibliotheke . . . and Alexander Polyhistor [FGrH #273 F101] . . . . After Ogyges, however, on account of the extensive devastation from the flood, what is now Attica remained without a king for 189 years, until Kekrops. Philochoros says that the [king] after Ogygos, Aktaios (or some version of that name), did not exist.

F 11


Erythraioi: Demosthenes in the VIII Philippic (24): Erythrae, a city in Ionia, one of those founded by Neleus the son of Kodros, as Hellanikos says in his Atthis.

F 12

Thucydides I. 97

. . . the Athenians, in the interval between this war and the Persian War, undertook, both in war and in the administration of public affairs, the enterprises now to be related, which were directed against the Barbarian, against their own allies when they attempted revolution, and against such of the Peloponnesians as from time to time came into conflict with them in the course of each attempt. And I have made a digression to write of these matters for the reason that this period has been omitted by all my predecessors, who have confined their narratives either to Hellenic affairs before the Persian War or to the Persian War itself; and Hellanikos, the only one of these who has ever touched upon this period, has in his Attic History treated of it briefly, and with inaccuracy as regards his chronology. And at the same time the narrative of these events serves to explain how the Empire of Athens was established.

F 13


ouketi Kolainis] Hellanikos says Kolainos, the offspring of Hermes, established a shrine to Artemis Kolainis in obedience to an oracle; and Phanodemos too in his Book IV [Phanodemos FGrH #325 F3]. Euphronios says that in Amarynthos she is Kolainis because there Agamemnon sacrificed a hornless ram to her. Concerning her Kallimachos [200b Pf.] says, 'whose effigy, as the mythos goes, Agamemnon dedicated, and to whom even tailless and one-eyed animals are sacrificed," and he never invents stories; for the Myrrinousioi call Artemis "Kolainis", just as the people of the Peiraeus call her "Mounychia", or the Philaidai "Brauronia".

F 14

Plutarch Theseus 17. 3

But Hellanikos says that the Athenians did not send out the youths and girls by casting lots, but that Minos himself used to come and choose them, and that he now picked out Theseus first of all, in accordance with the usual tradition. These, he tells us, were that the Athenians should provide the ship and that the youths should embark and sail with him, but that none of them should carry any warlike weapon, and finally that if the Minotaur were killed, then the penalty should lapse.

F 15

Plutarch Theseus 25 .5

He also founded games [at the Isthmus of Corinth] to rival those of Herakles; his ambition was that just as the Greeks at Herakles' insistence celebrated the Olympian Games in honor of Zeus, so through his own initiative they should celebrate the Isthmian Games in honor of his reputed father, Poseidon. The games which had previously been established at the Isthmus in honor of Melikertes were held a night and were organized more in the form of a religious rite than of a spectacle or a great public gathering. Some writers, however, have made out that the Isthmian Games were founded in memory of Skeiron, and that Theseus wished in this way to atone for his murder because of the kinship between them, for Skeiron was a son of Kantheos and Henioche the daughter of Pittheus. Others say that their son was not Skeiron but Sinis, and that it was in his honor that Theseus founded the Games. However this may be, Theseus established the Festival and made an agreement with the Corinthians that Athenians who came to visit the Games should be provided with a place of honor in as large a space as could be covered by the sail of the state galley which brought them there, when it was stretched out on the ground. This is what we are told by Hellanikos and by Andron of Halikarnassos [Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker #10 F6].

F 16

Plutarch Theseus 26. 1

(Theseus) sailed to the Euxine Sea, as Philochoros [FGrH #328 F110] and certain others say, and took part with Herakles in a campaign against the Amazons, and here he was given Antiope as a prize. But the majority, among whom are Pherekydes [FGrH #3 F151], Hellanikos and Herodoros [FGrH #31 F25], tell us that Theseus made an expedition of his own there . . .

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