An inscription found in Ankara, in the anta of the temple of Augustus, written across two stones (Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 533; better text in Ehrenberg and Jones, Documents illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius [Oxford 1955] number 109; Bosch, number 51):


The Galatians who have been priests of the Deified Augustus and the Goddess Roma:

[Under (the Governor) — — — ]

. . . . . . TARCONDARIUS KASTOR, the son of King Birgatos. He gave a public feast, he subsidized oil for four months, he presented spectacles and gladiatorial combats fo thirty pairs, and he gave a hunt of bulls and wild beasts.

RUFUS. He gave a public dinner, he gave spectacles and a hunt.

Under Metillius (ca. 14-17 A.D.)

PYLAMENES, the son of King Amyntos. He gave a public dinner twice, he gave slpectacles twice, he presented gymnastic games, and chariot races and horse races, and likewise a bull fight and a hunt; he provided the city with oil; he gave the city a site where the Sebasteion stands and where the Festival Assembly Ground and the Hippodrome are being built.

ALBIORIX, the son of Ateporeigos. He gave a public dinner, he erected statues of [Tiberius] Caesar and Julia Augusta.

AMYNTAS, the son of Gaizatodiastos. He twice gave a public dinner, he sacrificed a hecatomb, he presented spectacles, he gave a distribution of grain to the amount of 5 modii per person.

[ — — ]eias, son of Diognetos.

ALBIORIX, son of Ateporeigos, a second time. He gave a public dinner.

Under Fronto.

METRODOROS, son of Menemachos, by birth a don of Dorylaos. He gave a lpublic dinner, he provided oil for four months.

MOUSANOS, son of Artiknos. He gave a public dinner.

[ — — ], son of Seleukos. He gave a public dinner, he provided oil for four months.

PYLAMENES, son of King Amyntos. He gave a public dinner to the Three (Galatian) Tribes; in behalf of the People of Ancyra he sacrificed a hecatomb; he gave spectacles and a procession, and likewise a bull-fight and a bull-hunt and gladiatorial combats of fifty pairs; he provided oil for the entire year for the Three Tribes; he gave a wild beast hunt.

Under Silvanus

GALLIOS. He gave a public dinner at Pessinos; he gave a gladiatorial show of twenty-five pairs (at Ancyra) and of ten pairs in Pessinos; he provided oil for the two Tribes for the entire year; he set up a statue in Pessinus.

SELEUKOS, son of Philodamos. Public dinners, twice, to the Two Tribes; he provided oil for the Two Tribes for the entire year; he gave spectacles.

JULIUS PONTICUS. He gave a public dinner; he sacrificed a hecatomb; he provided olive oil for the entire year.

ARISTOKLES, son of Albiorix. He gave a public dinner; he provided oil for the entire year.

Under Bassila

QUINTUS GALLIUS PULCHER. He twice gave a public dinner; and he sacrificed a hecatomb at Pessinus. He provided oil for the Two Tribes for the entire year.

PHILONIDES, son of Philon. He gave a public dinner; he sacrificed a hecatomb; he provided oil for the entire year.

{ — — — ]la. He gave a public dinner; he sacrificed a hecatomb; he provided oil for the two cities for the entire year; he erected an altar for the sacrifices.

PYLAIMENES, son of Mena. he gave a public dinner for the Two Tribes; he sacrificed a hecatomb; he presented a pair of gladiators; he gave a spectacle; he provided oil for the entire year.

{ — — ]os Aquila. He gave a public dinner for the Two Tribes; [ — — ] he provided oil [ — — ] for the whole year ....


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