Dr. Edward Jackiewicz
Journal Links
Department of Geography
California State University, Northridge
Human Geography:

• Antipode
• Area
• Canadian Geographer
• Demography
• Ekistics
• Environment and Planning A
• Environment and Planning D
• GeoJournal
• Int'l Journal of Urban and Regional Research
• Journal of the American Institute of Planners
• Journal of Economic Geography
• Land Economics
• Migration World Magazine
• Revista Geografica
• Urban Affairs Quarterly
• Urban Geography
• Urban Studies

Physical Geography and Techniques:

• Advances in Hydroscience
• Boundary Layer Meteorology
• The Cartographic journal
• Cartographica
• Cartography
• Cartography and Geographic Information Science
• Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
• Environmental Ethics
• Geoworld
• Global Ecology and Biogeography
• Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
• Journal of climate and Applied Meteorology
• Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
• Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
• Physical Geography
• Water Resources Bulletin
• Water Resources Research
• Weather
• World Cartography