Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing

Institute In-House Workshops




Learn more about our Workshop Leaders:

Stacey Schaaf

I am a certified Tai Ji practitioner.  I began studying with my Teacher when I was in college 35 years ago.  Tai Ji is a moving meditation which gives us an opportunity to bring our mind and body into harmony.  At the Mindfulness Monday Tai Ji sessions, we have the opportunity to take some time for ourselves - away from the busyness and demands of life - to release tension and feel joyful.


Amy Rosenblatt

I have been regularly facilitating mindfulness meditation groups since 2011, after receiving training and supervision by a supervisor who specialized in mindfulness practice.  During the Mindfulness Mondays drop-in groups, I primarily use a mindful breathing practice, with some interpersonal processing at the beginning and end of group.  Additionally, I prefer to incorporate some discussion of how mindfulness can be practiced ‘while on-the-go’, as many CSUN students (or just human beings in general!) have busy lives with many demands.


Melanie Mamakos

For group meditation sessions, I start with a “cognitive” portion – where I gain information on what the each individual’s goals or objectives are for the session. The actual meditation session begins with a progressive relaxation technique, followed by guided imagery based on the stated goals/objectives  and several “deepening techniques” and/or “anchors”  to keep the participants “mindful” and in the present. The methods used are very simple to remember and it is very easy for the guests to implement the techniques on their own -  whenever they need to relax, center, and focus. To learn a little bit more about my practice, please feel free to visit my website


David Boyns

David Boyns has practiced in the tradition of Zen meditation for over 25 years. Leading Mindfulness Mondays workshops, he works with meditation practice techniques like following the breath, body scan, and slow moving / walking meditation. Participants in the session can expect to learn and practice simple meditation techniques that can be used to establish a daily practice, and promote relaxation, stress reduction, and increased concentration.