Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing

Walkability Wednesday 10/4

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 - 12:00pm to 12:45pm

Santa Susana Hall 115

Walks start in Santa Susana Hall (Brick Building by the Bookstore) and is open to all mobility levels.

Topic: Campus Sustainability Tour


More About This Week's Workshop Leaders:

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson has been the Coordinator of the CSUN Institute for Sustainability for seven years. She coordinates campus sustainability projects, educational events, and outreach efforts, and oversees student projects and service learning. She works closely with campus and community stakeholders to advance sustainability initiatives She assisted in the development of the CSUN 10 year Campus Sustainability Plan and assists with implementation by serving on three working groups.

Austin Eriksson

Austin Eriksson is the Director of Energy and Sustainability at CSUN and has worked at the university for over three years. In his role he coordinates projects and programs across divisions and departments to ensure the University’s Sustainability Plan is met. He also played a key role in developing CSUN’s Climate Action Plan and is tasked with its implementation. His most recent accomplishments include leading the campus in tripling its diversion rate in less than two years, reducing CSUN’s water consumption by 22% - over 55 million gallons per year and is currently leading CSUN’s solar initiative with the goal of bringing 3-4 megawatts of clean energy to the campus within the next year.