Mar. 1, 2016
Volume 7, Edition 1
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It’s on Us Pre-game Rally Spreads Message Against Sexual Assault

Before the CSUN men’s basketball team faced UC Santa Barbara, attendees were encouraged to sign the pledge as part of a national movement to end sexual assualt on college campuses nationwide.

Transit Summit at CSUN on March 3.

CSUN and Valley Leaders Collaborate to Push for Better Transportation

CSUN administrators and student leaders joined with state Sen. Bob Hertzberg on Monday morning to call for better transportation options for CSUN’s almost 50,000 students, faculty and staff. On Thursday, March 3, the university will host a Valley Transportation Summit with Hertzberg, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti and AS President Jorge Reyes. All CSUN students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to attend.

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President Dianne F. Harrison

CSUN Encourages College Success at Super Sunday

CSUN President Dianne F. Harrison joined CSU leaders from throughout the state attending churches on Super Sunday with the message that “college is for you.” Since 2005, the CSU has partnered with California churches serving predominantly African-American congregations. The goal of the initiative is to increase the college preparation, enrollment and graduation rates of African-American students.

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Upcoming Events

female and male basketball players

Hoops Doubleheader

Sat., March 5, 4 p.m.
It’s Senior Day and the In-N-Out Doubleheader, as fans bid farewell to Tre Hale-Edmerson and Jasmine Johnson as they play their final games for the men’s and women’s basketball teams.

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Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder

Binge Worthy Journalism Serial Creators Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder at VPAC

Sat., March 5, 8 p.m.
In their live presentation, co-creators Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder take the audience backstage in this cultural phenomenon, using some of their favorite tape to narrate personal stories about the ups and downs of creating a new form of modern storytelling.

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Soledad O’Brien

Soledad O’Brien to Speak on Race and Opportunity in America at the VPAC

Tue., March 8, 5 p.m.
The award-winning journalist’s knowledge and insight on the topic of Race and Opportunity in America will make you think critically, reflect on your own experiences and consider varying perspectives.

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Focus on Students


Financial Aid Deadline is March 2

March 2 is the priority deadline for current and prospective CSUN students to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) or California Dream Act application to be considered for financial aid for fall 2016. If you would like help with filling out the application, CSUN’s Financial Aid Office will conduct a series of workshops for students. The FAFSA application is free and can be completed online at Students who qualify for an AB540 nonresident tuition exemption can file the California Dream Act application online at

CSUN Students Invited to Compete in AppJam — CSUN’s Mobile App Competition

CSUN students can compete by creating a mobile app that solves a real-life problem for the campus or your community.

Eating Healthy on a Budget Workshop Available at Oasis on March 2

Eating Healthy on a Budget, a workshop from 11 a.m. to noon at the Oasis Wellness Center, will teach you how to start making the most of your dollar while keeping up your healthy lifestyle.

Will You Rise Up and Lead?

Associated Students elections are approaching, and you can now run for office by filling out a simple form online. Filing deadline to run for office and help shape the CSUN campus and community is March 14. Step up and lead today.

Biology Speed Mentoring Event

Biology students can explore career opportunities from experienced professionals on March 3 at the USU Northridge Center from 5 to 9 p.m. There is no charge. Come on down and receive some valuable career advice.


CSUN on Social Media


CSUN Students Promote Eating Disorder Awareness


CSUN University Ambassadors Having Bi-annual Book Fair This Week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


CSUN Ecology and Team of Student Researchers are Conducting Important Algae Study
