Meiqin Wang 王美钦 Professor
Department of Art / Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication
California State University, Northridge

Dr. Meiqin Wang specializes in modern and contemporary Chinese art and teaches Asian art history courses. Her dissertation and published materials focus on the recent developments of contemporary art from China and their social, political, economic, and institutional implications in the context of commercialization, urbanization and globalization of the Chinese world. Her research interests also include contemporary art of the Asian world and international exhibitions. Her teaching covers historical and contemporary arts from Asia and her courses emphasize the cultural and political context of artistic production.
Phone: (818) 677-3027
Office location: SG 227
Webpage: @ Academia
Webpage: @ CSUN Faculty
Ed. Socially Engaged Public Art in East Asia: Space, Place, and Community in Action. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2022.
This anthology elucidates the historical, global, and regional connections, as well as current manifestations, of socially engaged public art (SEPA) in East Asia. It covers case studies and theoretical inquiries on artistic practices from Hong Kong, Japan, mainland China, South Korea, and Taiwan with a focus on the period since the 2000s. It examines how public art has been employed by artists, curators, ordinary citizens, and grassroots organizations in the region to raise awareness of prevailing social problems, foster collaborations among people of varying backgrounds, establish alternative value systems and social relations, and stimulate action to advance changes in real life situations. It argues that through the endeavors of critically-minded art professionals, public art has become artivism as it ventures into an expanded field of transdisciplinary practices, a site of new possibilities where disparate domains such as aesthetics, sustainability, placemaking, social justice, and politics interact and where people work together to activate space, place, and community in a way that impacts the everyday lives of ordinary people.
Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China: Voices from Below. New York: Routledge, 2019.
This book provides an in-depth and thematic analysis of socially engaged art in Mainland China, exploring its critical responses to and creative interventions in China’s top-down, pro-urban, and profit-oriented socioeconomic transformations. It focuses on the socially conscious practices of eight art professionals who assume the role of artist, critic, curator, educator, cultural entrepreneur, and social activist, among others, as they strive to expose the injustice and inequality many Chinese people have suffered, raise public awareness of pressing social and environmental problems, and invent new ways and infrastructures to support various underprivileged social groups.
Co-editor, Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China: Urbanized Interface. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.
Edited by Minna Valjakka and Meiqin Wang, this volume provides a multifaceted investigation of the dynamic interrelations between visual arts and urbanization in contemporary Mainland China with a focus on unseen representations and urban interventions brought about by the transformations of the urban space and the various problems associated with it. Through a wide range of illuminating case studies, the authors demonstrate how innovative artistic and creative practices initiated by various stakeholders not only raise critical awareness on socio-political issues of Chinese urbanization but also actively reshape the urban living spaces. The formation of new collaborations, agencies, aesthetics and cultural production sites facilitate diverse forms of cultural activism as they challenge the dominant ways of interpreting social changes and encourage civic participation in the production of alternative meanings in and of the city. Their significance lies in their potential to question current values and power structures as well as to foster new subjectivities for disparate individuals and social groups.
Urbanization and Contemporary Chinese Art. New York: Routledge, 2016.
This book explores the relationship between the ongoing urbanization in China and the production of contemporary Chinese art since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Wang provides a detailed analysis of artworks and methodologies of art-making from eight contemporary artists who employ a wide range of mediums, including painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video, and performance. She also sheds light on the relationship between these artists and their sociocultural origins, investigating their provocative responses to various processes and problems brought about by Chinese urbanization. With this urbanization comes a fundamental shift of the philosophical and aesthetic foundations in the practice of Chinese art: from a strong affiliation with nature and countryside to one that is complexly associated with the city and the urban world.
Klee on Art. Beijing: The People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002. (In Chinese)
Co-author, Reading the World's Masterpieces: From Romanticism to Realism. Beijing: The People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2001. (In Chinese)
Articles and Essays
“Pandemic, Censorship and Creative Protests via Grassroots Visual Mobilization.” Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol. 8, no. 2-3 (2021): 167-191.
“Walking the City: Handshake 302 and Reinventing Public Art in Shenzhen.” Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol. 7, no. 2-3 (2020): 177-200.
“Breathing.” Post: Notes on Modern & Contemporary Art Around The Globe, MoMA, February 12, 2020
“Village Transformed: Jin Le and Community Development through Contemporary Art.” Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol. 5, no. 2-3 (2018): 193-213.
“Power, Capital, and Artistic Freedom: Contemporary Chinese Art Communities and the City.” Cultural Studies 33(4) (2018): 657-689.
“Place-Making for the People: Socially Engaged Art in Rural China.” China Information, vol. 32 (2) (2018): 244–269.
“Entering the Scene: On Socially Engaged Art.” Bishan 10 (2017): 194-197. (In Chinese)
“Waste in contemporary Chinese art.” The Focus: Artistic Alternatives in East Asia / The Newsletter-International Institute for Asian Studies, no.76 (2017): 32-33.
“The Socially Engaged Practices of Artists in Contemporary China.” Journal of Visual Art Practice, vol. 16, iss. 1 (2017): 15-38.
“Urbanization and Its Artistic Discontent: Yang Yongliang’s Urban Dystopia.” University of Nottingham Blogs / China Policy Institute Blog, July 6, 2016.
“Urbanized Interfaces: Chinese Visual Arts In The Age Of Urbanization.” Asia Pacific Memo 346, November 2, 1015. (co-authored with Minna Valjakka)
“Advertising the Chinese Dream: Urban Billboards and Ni Weihua's Documentary Photography.” China Information 29(2) (2015): 176-201.
“Urbanized interfaces: Visual arts in Chinese cities.” China Information 29(2) (2015): 139-153 (co-authored with Minna Valjakka)
“Invisible Body and the Predicaments of Existence in an Urbanizing China.” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, vol. 44, no. 1 (2015): 163–197. (Download this article in PDF)
“The Primitive and Unproductive Body: He Yunchang and His Performance Art.” Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol 13, iss 4 (2014): 6–25. (Download this article in PDF)
“To Demolish: Thinking About Urbanization in China Through a Collaborative Art Project in the Countryside.” Yishu–Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol 11, iss 4 (2012): 30–42. (Download this article in PDF)
“Art, Culture Industry and the Transformation of Songzhuang Artist Village.” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, vol 5, no 1 (2010): 187–205. (Download this article in PDF)
“Everyone Curates: From Global Avant-garde to Local Reality.” Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol 8, iss 6 (2009): 20–31. (Download this article in PDF)
“Officializing the Unofficial: Presenting New Chinese Art.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, vol 21, no 1 ( 2009): 102–140. (Download this article in PDF)
“Reflecting on International Biennials and Triennials in Asia.” Asia Art Archive Perspectives (Dialogue), October 2008.
“The Beijing Biennale: the Politics of Chinese Characteristics.” Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol 7, iss 4 (2008): 20–31. (Download this article in PDF)
Contributor, Interview article “Trans-boundary Experiences: A Conversation between Xu Bing and Nick Kaldis.” Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol 6, iss 2 (2007): 76–93.
“National Character: A Study on the Ninth National Art Exhibition in China.” Envisioning: Studies in Image and Idiom: Identity and Space, 2003. (Internet Publication)
“The Reconstruction of Chinese Painters of Second Generation on Realistic Oil Painting.” Art Observation, no 9 (2002): 25–27. (In Chinese)
Book Chapters
“Engagement with the Urban: Visual Arts as a Form of Cultural Activism in Contemporary China.” in Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China: Urbanized Interface. Minna Valjakka and Meiqin Wang (eds) (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 13-31. (co-authored with Minna Valjakka)
“Shadow of the Spectacular: Photographing Social Control and Inequality in Urban China.” in Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China: Urbanized Interface. Minna Valjakka and Meiqin Wang (eds) (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 115-145.
“The Art World of Post-Deng China.” in Contemporary Chinese Art and Film: Theory Applied and Resisted. Jason C. Kuo (ed) (Washington, DC: New Academia Publishing, 2013), 37–65.
“On Xue Guoping's Art.” in Chinese Artists Books For International Art Exchange series, no 5. Beijing: China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House, 2007, 6–10. (In Chinese)
Exhibition Catalogues and Catalogue Essays
Ex/Ordinary: Wen Fang and the Power of Image Making. Art Galleries of California State University, Northridge, 2019
Shadow of the Spectacle: Urban China in Ni Weihua’s Conceptual Photography. California State University Northridge Art Galleries, 2015.
“Will Life Become Better?: the City and the Crowd in Zhao Shuo's Painting.” In Zhao Shuo Works (Shanghai: Zhao Shuo Contemporary Art Center, 2013), 84–88.
Liu Bolin: The Sociology of the Invisible Body California State University Northridge Art Galleries, August 27 – September 15, 2012.
Tales of Our Time: Two Contemporary Artists From China California State University Northridge Art Galleries, 2011.
“Portraying China: Urbanization in Progress.” In Tales of Our Time: Two Contemporary Artists From China. California State University Northridge Art Galleries, 2011, 4–8.
“Globalization, Asianization, and Chinese Individuals.” In Trans-boundary Experience: An Exhibition on Contemporary Art from China, Japan, and Korea, SPOOL MFG Gallery, 2006. (Non-paged exhibition catalogue)
“Experimental Beijing: Gender and Globalization in Chinese Contemporary Art Sasha Su-Ling Welland.” The China Quarterly, Volume 239, 841-43.
“A review of Responding to the World: Contemporary Chinese Art, Exhibitions, and Criticism in the 1990s, by Peggy Wang.” Dissertation Reviews. February 28, 2013.
Presentations (at conferences, symposia, and various institutions)
Papers Presented and Talks Given
2021 “Artivism in Taiwan,” hosted by China Institute and the College of Humanities, California State University, Northridge (virtual), October 22.
2021 “Documentary Activism and “Art as Journalism” in a Chinese Urban Village, the 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), Kyoto (Japan) (virtual), August 24- 28.
2021 Invited talk, “Social Engaged Art: Chinese Experiences,” the 23rd Meinong Yellow Butterfly Festival (Taiwan) (virtual), August 7.
2021 Forum participant of “Social Practices of Contemporary Art: Interdisciplinary, Environmental Aesthetics, and Ecological Art" International Forum for Inter-School Exchange, National University of Tainan (Taiwan), May 12.
2021 Invited talk, “Artivism: Social Engaged Art in Progress,” Chinese National Academy of Arts (Beijing, China) (virtual), May 10.
2021 “Creative Intervention in Cultural Heritage Preservation,” U.S.A-Taiwan Marin Sustainable Development International Conference, Magong (Penghu, Taiwan), May 7.
2021 “Curating Human Togetherness,” symposium Rethinking the Curation of Chinese Contemporary Art, jointly organized by the University of Maryland (US) and the University of New South Wales (Australia) (virtual), April 28.
2021 Invited talk, “The Practice of Socially Engaged Art in East Asia,” National University of Tainan (Taiwan), April 21.
2021 Invited talk, “Art in Action: Socially Engaged Art from Contemporary China,” National Taipei University of Education (Taiwan), April 16.
2021 “Art That Makes Life Viable: Ecology, Community, And Artivism In Chongqing,” Fulbright Seminar, Fulbright Taiwan, Taipei (Taiwan), March 20.
2020 “Tracing the Vestiges of Urban Transformation: Ni Weihua and His Public Art,” lecture series Critical Spatial Practices in China, University of Applied Arts Vienna (virtual), December 4-5.
2020 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture “Art in Action: Socially Engaged Art from Contemporary China,” the Humanities Center at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (virtual), November 16.
2020 “Pandemic, Censorship and Grassroots Visual Mobilization,” the 13th Annual Conference, Centre for Chinese Visual Arts at Birmingham City University (virtual), November 9-10.
2020 “Curating Rural Reconstruction: Zuo Jing and Art for Community Development,” the College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago, February 12-15.
2019 Keynote speech, “Walking the City: New Approaches to Urban Public Art,” The 12th Annual Conference, Centre for Chinese Visual Arts at Birmingham City University. Venue: Tate Liverpool (Liverpool, UK), November 11.
2019 Invited talk, “Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” Longtan Museum, Longtan village (Ningde, China), June 22.
2019 Invited talk, “Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (Chongqing, China), June 12.
2019 Invited talk, “Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Guangzhou, China), June 12.
2019 Invited talk, “Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” University of San Diego, April 5.
2019 Invited talk, “Voices from Below: Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” York University (Toronto, Canada), March 26.
2019 “Documenting Social and Environmental Injustices in Contemporary China: Visual images as Forms of Civic Participations,” presented at workshop “The Living Past: Disaster, Trauma, and Visual Art in East Asia,” York University (Toronto, Canada), March 28-29.
2019 “Public Art In Rural China: Dongtou Village Graffiti Festival and The Possibility Of Bottom-Up Public Space,” Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Denver, March 21-24.
2018 “From “Chinese Symbol” to “Chinese Problem Situation”: Wang Nanming and the Theory of Critical Art,” the College Art Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February 21-24.
2017 “The Right to the Countryside: From Contemporary Art to Alternative Place Construction,” the College Art Association Annual Conference, New York, February 15-18.
2016 “Alternative Place Construction: Socially Engaged Art In Rural China,” the 58th American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Pepperdine University, October 7-9.
2016 “Rural Reconstruction through Art: The Social Intervention of the Artists,” the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Seattle, March 31-April 3.
2015 “Waste in Contemporary Chinese Art: Byproducts of China’s Urban Development and Consumerism,” the Annual Conference of the American Association of Chinese Studies, Houston, October 9‐11.
2015 “The Intervention of the Artists: Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,” the 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 9), Adelaide, Australia, July 5-9.
2014 "Power, Capital, and Creative Freedom: Art and the City in Contemporary China," the 2014 Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context," Heidelberg University, October 8–10.
2014 "The Reign of Things: Consuming Everyday Life in Urban China," Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS), Arizona State University, October 3–4.
2013 "Invisible Body, Little Men, and the Predicaments of Existence in An Urbanizing China," the 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), Macao, June 24–27.
2013 Invited Talk, "Movements and Trends of Contemporary Chinese Art since the 1990s," Cultural Enrichment Coalition (CEC) and San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association (SFVCCA) sponsored lecture series, Los Angeles, April 20.
2013 "Globalization and International Art Biennial/Triennials in Asia," General Education Path Day, California State University Northridge, April 18.
2012 "Using Assignments as Tools for Active Learning," Faculty Retreat, California State University Northridge, January 17–18.
2012 "To Demolish: Thinking about Urbanization in Rural China Through A Collaborative Art Project," the 100th College Art Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February 22–25.
2011 "From Vagrants to Cultural Elites: Artist Migration in Contemporary China," "70 Years of Asian Studies"—Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Honolulu, March 31–April 3.
2010 "The Artist and the Art World in Contemporary China," Annual Meeting of the Art Historian of Southern California, Los Angeles, December 4.
2010 "Urbanization and Its Representation in Contemporary Chinese Art," Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS), California State University Northridge, October 22–23.
2010 "Developing Learner-Centered Teaching: A Showcase of Classroom Strategies," Center for Innovative and Engaged Learning Opportunities, California State University Northridge, September 7.
2010 "Culture Industry, Political Tolerance and the Transformation of the Song Zhuang Artist Village," 5th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Sydney, July 22–25.
2010 "Embracing New Pedagogical Paradigms: Learning to Learn Art History," 13th CSU Symposium on University Teaching, California State University San Bernardino, April 24.
2010 Panelist in Contemporary Art Conversations #4, Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles. Organized by art critic Peter Frank and art historian Betty Brown, and co-sponsored by AICA (International Association of Art Critics), February 20.
2009 "Everyone Curates: From Global Avant-garde to Local Reality," Negotiating Difference: Contemporary Chinese Art in the Global Context, Berlin, October 22–24.
2009 Invited Talk, "Art in China: From Tiananmen Square to Today," China Program, Porter Ranch Library, April 4.
2009 Invited Talk, "Explosive Contemporary Art Scenes in China," Cultural Enrichment Coalition (CEC) and San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association (SFVCCA) sponsored lecture series, Los Angeles. March 7.
2009 "Nationalism via Globalism: The Third Beijing International Art Biennale," the 97th College Art Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February 25–28.
2008 Invited Talk, "Art, Censorship and Western Fantasy about Chinese Unofficial Art," China Forum: Reimagining China, California State University Northridge. November 13.
2008 Invited Talk, "New Movements from China: Contemporary Art Turns Official," University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), April 23.
2008 "From Underground Art to International Touring Art: Chinese Contemporary Art on the Move," Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, January 11–14.
2006 "Construction and Deconstruction of Asian Identity: Trans-boundary Borders," The Asian Subject: Negotiating Identity—New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS), St. Lawrence University, October 6–7.
2006 "Transformation and Confrontation: Rethinking Official Art in Contemporary China," Crossing the Boundaries XIV: Revisions: New Approaches to Art History, State University of New York at Binghamton, April 21–22.
2005 "From Underground to Ground Exhibitions: Chinese Contemporary Art and Cultural Nationalism," Facing Asia—New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS), State University of New York at New Paltz, September 30–October 1.
2005 "The Chinese Pavilion and Chinese Contemporary Art: An official Commitment," The Future of Asia—Fourth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 4), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, August 20–24.
2005 "Art, Cultural Identity, and Politics: Hong Kong in Transition," Frick Symposium on the History of Art. Presented annually by The Frick Collection and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, April 15–16.
2005 "Presenting 'Chineseness' Through the Beijing Biennale: Old Topic with New Form?" 14th Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia, Columbia University, February 4–5.
2004 "The Space of In-Between: Hou Hanru and His Global Discourse," Asian Border Crossings—New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS), Bard College, October 29–30.
2004 "Chinese Feminist Art at Crossroads," Crossing the Boundaries XII: Image/Power, State University of New York at Binghamton, April 23–24.
2004 "The City of Hong Kong and its Cultural Discourse in the Epoch of Returning," Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture Fourteenth Annual Conference, State University of New York at Binghamton, April 16–17.
2003 "National Character: A Study on the Ninth National Art Exhibition," Crossing the Boundaries XI: Identity and Space, State University of New York at Binghamton, May 2–3.
Panels Organized
2019 Public Art and Public Space: Cases from Contemporary China and Japan, Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Denver, March 21-24.
2016 Socially Engaged Art in Rural China, San Diego Chinese Historical Museum, October 9.
2016 Revitalizing Rural China Through Artistic and Cultural Production, the 58th American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Pepperdine University, October 7-9.
2016 Intervention, Engagement and Transition: the New Artistic and Creative Practices in East Asia, Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Seattle, March 31-April 3.
2014 Building the City Image: Culture, Creativity, and Contemporary Art, the 2014 Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context," Heidelberg University, October 8–10.
2012 Urbanization and Contemporary Art in Asia, the 100th College Art Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February 22–25.
2009 International Exhibition in East Asia, the 97th College Art Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February 25–28.
Curated exhibitions
Ex/Ordinary: Wen Fang and the Power of Image Making

Through photographs and a video, this exhibition presents contemporary Chinese artist Wen Fang's two series The Ideal World and Wall and her ongoing participatory art project Maskbook. It highlights her unique artistic vision and ability to transform the ordinary into significant and meaningful visual manifestations that either express the unfathomable force of nature or enable ordinary citizens to express themselves through image making.
» Visit the exhibition website
» Download the catalog (.pdf, 3.1Mb)
Shadow of the Spectacle: Urban China in Ni Weihua's Conceptual Photography

Through photographs and video works, this exhibition presents contemporary Chinese artist Ni Weihua's two major series Keywords and Landscape Wall. Keywords, an ongoing project that the artist began in 1998, addresses the promulgation of official ideologies in urban public spaces and documents the increasingly spectacular visual presentations adopted by the government propaganda agencies. Landscape Wall, another multiple-year project that he started in 2008, captures the penetration of the spectacular consumerism in Chinese cities through street billboards and addresses the rising inequality in the country at both material and symbolic levels. Together, they represent Ni's artistic effort to simultaneously document and deconstruct China's official discourses of economic development and consumerist urbanization.
» Visit the exhibition website
» Download the catalog (.pdf, 11.9Mb)
Liu Bolin: Sociology of the Invisible Body

Through the photographs of the performance work and sculpture of the internationally acclaimed Chinese artist Liu Bolin, this exhibition explores the interaction of art and society in contemporary China and the complex relationship between individuals and the living environment that they at once rely upon and are confined within. Works included in this exhibition focus on Liu's observation and comment of the political, economic and social environment that has shaped the way Chinese people perceive themselves in a rapidly changing contemporary society. His work also reveals the tension between individuals and society as a whole, a topic that shares a worldwide relevance.
» Visit the exhibition website
Tales of Our Time: Two Contemporary Artists From China

An exhibition that explores urbanization and its impact in contemporary China through the art of internationally established Chinese artists Chen Qiulin and Weng Fen. The exhibit presents about forty pieces of major photographic and video art works created by the two artists since the beginning of the twenty-first century, a decade that witnesses the ever-dramatic processes of urbanization and modernization of the Chinese world.
» Visit the exhibition website
» Download the catalog (.pdf, 2.4Mb)
August 2017–
Department of Art,
California State University Northridge
Associate Professor
August 2012–July 2017
Department of Art,
California State University Northridge
Assistant Professor
August 2007–July 2012
Department of Art,
California State University Northridge
Visiting Lecturer
June 23–July 31, 2008
International Co-Ed Summer School, Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea
Adjunct Professor
Winter 2006–Spring 2007
Department of Visual Arts,
Union College, NY
Fall 2004–Spring 2006
Art History Department,
State University of New York at Binghamton
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2002–Fall 2006
Art History Department,
State University of New York at Binghamton
Courses Taught
- World Arts: Asia (100-level)
- Art in Contemporary China (300-level)
- Painting in China: Literati, Modern, & Contemporary (300-level)
- World Perspectives in Art History (300-level)
- Comparative Art History: Modern and Contemporary Chinese and Korean Art (300-level)
- Contemporary Asian Art/Transnational Experience (400-level)
- History of Korean Art (400-level)
- History of Chinese Art (400-level)
- History of Japanese Art (400-level)
- History of Indian Art (400-level)
- Exhibition Design (300 and graduate-level)
- Art and City: Beijing versus Los Angeles (graduate seminar)
Ph.D. (2007)
State University of New York at Binghamton
Field: Art History
Dissertation: Confrontation and Complicity: Rethinking Official Art in Contemporary China
M.A. (2002)
Chinese National Academy of Arts (中国艺术研究院), Beijing, China
Field: Art History
B.A. (1998)
Fujian Normal University (福建师范大学), Fuzhou, China
Major: Art Education